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NH Governor Sununu: GOP Primary Race Going To Be ‘Very Different’ In 6 Months

 New Hampshire   Governor Chris Sununu said during an interview over the weekend that he believes the Republican Party presidential primary ...

 New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu said during an interview over the weekend that he believes the Republican Party presidential primary race is going to be in a “very different” place in six months because of the criminal indictments facing former President Donald Trump.

Sununu told ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday that the criminal indictments against Trump have for the moment galvanized support around him but he believes that is going to change as the cases continue to go through the legal process and as the former president likely will be indicted in separate cases.

“And whether that was the intention of the Department of Justice or not, they’re allowing Donald Trump to play this victim card very, very well. But, ultimately, it it doesn’t pan out. Six months from now it’s going to be a very different story.”

Sununu said that he believes that it is possible Trump could win the GOP primary but he does not believe that he can win the general election.

“We’re going to narrow that field down. It’s not going to be 13 people going into Iowa and New Hampshire by any means,” Sununu said. “And then definitely by Super Tuesday, I think it’s a one-on-one race and the former president loses. I mean that’s just how the math is ultimately going to play out because the majority of Republicans don’t want Donald Trump. If you look at the polls, he’s under 40 percent.”

Sununu said that at the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner last week that he believes that Trump gave the “worst speech.”

“He came out. He read – he read from a binder. He didn’t look up. He didn’t smile. It was – it was an absolute dead speech,” he said. “And this is not the Donald Trump of 2016. Don’t fool yourself. And as more and more folks realize that, he doesn’t have the energy, he doesn’t have the fast ball, he basically is droning on for 90 minutes on his long form speeches about his legal battles as opposed to talking about the future of this country, solving the problems of this country, which is what all the other candidates are doing.”


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