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Biden Signed Off On Declassifying COVID Origins By June 18. He Didn’t Do It.

  President Joe Biden has so far failed to comply with the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 — a measure that passed Congress unanimously and   he...

 President Joe Biden has so far failed to comply with the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 — a measure that passed Congress unanimously and he himself signed into law in late March.

The law required Biden to declassify any and all information regarding the connection between a Wuhan-based laboratory and the origins of the novel coronavirus by June 18, a day that has come and gone with no announcement from the White House. A number of Republicans took to social media in the last week to remind Biden that the deadline was approaching and then that it had passed.

“Sunday is the deadline for the Biden Administration to declassify the origins of COVID,” former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tweeted.

“The truth is coming out. President Biden must follow the law that he signed in March and declassify all COVID origins and lab leak intel. The deadline is this weekend,” Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) added.

When the deadline passed, some speculated that the Biden administration had ignored it intentionally because they didn’t want anything to derail Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s conversations with Chinese officials — including a brief meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.



“Doesn’t it seem a little strange how you miss the deadline a day before Blinken’s meeting with Xi?” Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer wondered, arguing that if the administration had been serious about meeting the deadline they might have delivered on the promise on Friday so as not to miss a Sunday deadline on the Juneteenth holiday weekend.

Braun mentioned that as well, saying that Blinken’s trip to China was not a legitimate excuse for missing the deadline — and that the American people deserved to know what had happened.

“The White House is now overdue to declassify their COVID lab leak intel, and there is no ‘Secretary of State is meeting with Xi Jinping’ exception in the law President Biden signed. We need to know the truth about how this pandemic started and China’s role in covering it up, and the White House must respect the text of the law passed unanimously in both chambers by the people’s representatives,” he said.

“This isn’t optional. It’s the law. Release the intelligence now,” Sen. Josh Hawley added.

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