In a city notorious for fierce political and ideological division, New York City has recently seen unity amongst groups perceived to be on...
In a city notorious for fierce political and ideological division, New York City has recently seen unity amongst groups perceived to be on different ends of the political spectrum, such as Freedom Patriot groups and Black Lives Matter.
Patriot Freedom Groups, Trump Supporters, Teachers, Labor Unions, Medical Freedom Advocates, Black Lives Latter Leaders and everyday New Yorkers came together in harmony this past weekend to demand the government reverse the vaccine mandates that have rocked New York City and the nation.
New Yorkers from every walk of life rallied and marched together this past Saturday in the ongoing battle to overturn what many perceive to be unconstitutional mandates and an infringement of civil liberties. New York City has the strictest vaccine passport rules in the nation and residents continue to face discharge from their workplaces and denied entry to restaurants for not complying with the mandates.
See interviews with rally goers:
The crowd gathered near Times Square before the march, chanting “We The People Will Not Comply”, “We Will Not Comply, We Do Not Consent”, “No Forced Vaccines”, “No Vaccine Mandates”, “Mr Body, My Choice”, “No Vaccine You Won’t Force, My Body My Choice”, “Wake up New York”, “F**k Joe Biden”, “Let’s Go Brandon” and “No Nazi Passport.”
See video of the march through the streets of New York:
Thousands gathered near Times Square to protest the unprecedented mandates, where speakers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., NYC Artist Scott Lobaido, BLM Activist Reverend McCall, Children’s Health Defense Attorney Mary Holland, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky and Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke to the audience.
More speakers:
According to activists, the anti-vaccine mandate movement in New York has been rapidly growing.
“We are extremely excited to see such a large and diverse crowd turning up for our events,” said rally organizer Kevin Peters of New York Freedom Rally. It is growing by the week and all credit it due to Bill de Blasio and Joe Biden who have inadvertently emerged as unifying figures because of the backlash they created with their absurd and illegal policies.”
New Yorkers at the event seemed relieved to find allies in unexpected places after the past years of division that has swept the nation since Covid emerged in early 2020.
“The sleeping giant awakens. New Yorkers are finally coming together on this issue,” said John Tabacco, New York City Conservative Activist and host of the Newsmax show “Wiseguys”. “Biden and the government overplayed their hand with these draconian vaccine mandates and as a result people are uniting on the right and left. This is the government’s worst nightmare. Let’s Go Brandon!”
A Black Lives Matter activist made it clear to the crowd that sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to get the government to listen.
“The resolution will not be televised. The revolution is going to be in the streets,” said Black Lives Matter Leader Reverend Kevin McCall. “Yea we can rally, yea we can say ‘no justice no peace’, yea we can scream ‘my body, my choice’ but the only thing that they respect is when we shut stuff down!”
After the rally, the large crowd marched from Times Square to Hudson Yards and landed in front of CNN, where another rally took place protesting the corporation and other news organizations the group feels propagate vaccine lies, such as The New York Times.
“There is no better example than The New York Times and CNN that push these false narratives,” said Peters.
“We are the white hot center right now,” said event organizer Cat McGuire. “But mark my words- as goes New York so goes the rest of the country- and that’s why we are trying to push back as hard as we can. Don’t feel complacent if you are in a rural area. This is the panopticon and they have everybody’s number, especially if you are getting that toxic injection. That is how they are going to track us. So we’re pushing back here at ground zero- stand up and join us in your own communities- don’t just say well its not happening here- you wait!”
This day was planned by local organizers in coordination with the “World Wide Rally For Freedom”.
Worldwide Rallies for Freedom are ongoing bimonthly events planned all over the USA as well as in over 400 locations including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Israel, Lebanon, New Zealand, Scotland, Switzerland, Uruguay.
According to their website, The World Wide Demonstration (also known as the World Wide Rally For Freedom), is an internationally syndicated community demonstration dedicated to emboldening citizens to push back against Coronavirus related restrictions in their countries. The event is deployed by member organizations in each city, with full local autonomy at the grass roots level.
New York organizers said the protests started off in New York with under 100 attendees at the beginning of the lockdown and has since grown to thousands per event.
“The whole entire world needs to rise up,” said Trump supporter Jamiee S. “Or else it is too late, We are going to lose our freedom, we are going to lose our country, we are going to lose everything.”
“The only way to create the power that we need and to get the thing done is that we come together,” said NYC Black Lives Matter activist Stephon Banks. “That means people from all aspects of life. People from different races and classes coming together.”
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