If you look up the definition of a narcissistic career politician in the dictionary, Terry McAuliffe would be on the list right next to Joe ...
If you look up the definition of a narcissistic career politician in the dictionary, Terry McAuliffe would be on the list right next to Joe Biden. The Clinton crony has a shady history just like Joe, but they’re both counting on American voters to forget. McAuliffe is in the last days of his campaign to be Virginia’s governor. Democrats have pulled out all the stops to push him over the line, but McAuliffe is so tone-deaf that he’s committed several self-inflicted campaign errors that will hopefully end in his defeat.
He has repeatedly said parents shouldn’t have a voice in educating their children, but what he does in the video below may be the nail in the coffin for McAuliffe:
This will turn Virginia red pic.twitter.com/54uliCjc2I
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) October 19, 2021
And this from June:
I heard folks wanted more dancing videos! pic.twitter.com/S4fPaEpK2X
— Terry McAuliffe (@TerryMcAuliffe) June 8, 2021
Not funny! Bring on the eye bleach!
Democrat Terry McAuliffe is a longtime Clinton crony and career politician with a shady past. He’s an elitist who talks down to reporters.
The latest incident of McAuliffe talking down to reporters happened when McAuliffe spotted a VA Rising Action reporter not wearing a mask outside. He snapped at the reporter, calling him “dangerous” for not wearing a mask. Was McAuliffe’s agitation about the mask or about the question the reporter was asking? The reporter asked McAuliffe about his past comment that parents need to stay out of educating their children (see below).
McAuliffe yelled at a VARisingAction tracker yesterday and said he is “dangerous” because he wasn’t wearing a mask *outside*
McAuliffe boasted he would “build education” and dodged questions about the parents’ role in VA schools.
McAuliffe is pictured below on two recent occasions not wearing a mask.
McAuliffe dodged a question yesterday about the parents’ role in schools to attack a tracker for not wearing a mask outside and here he is with dozens of people around him and he’s one of the few people not wearing a mask. https://t.co/q0cDQToV0Q
— Cameron Cawthorne (@Cam_Cawthorne) October 13, 2021
No mask in the photo below either:
.@DSMcAuliffe and I enjoyed a great roundtable discussion with parents, educators, early childhood education leaders, and my good friend @AnneHolton in Alexandria this AM. Together, we'll build a world-class education system & keep kids safely in school. Let's go! pic.twitter.com/iiWmmteA8a
— Terry McAuliffe (@TerryMcAuliffe) October 12, 2021
McAuliffe recently spoke with local reporters saying, “I was very clear” when asked about his comment that parents should be involved in educating their children. He falsely claimed that Critical Race Theory isn’t taught in Virginia schools when huge protests have taken place in Loudoun, Virginia. McAuliffe again called CRT a “racist dog whistle” and dismissed its existence. Another lie.
McAuliffe was recently being interviewed by local news in Virginia when he suggested parents concerned with divisive Critical Race Theory (CRT) are racist. He went on to refuse to define CRT.
Video below of McAuliffe’s first self-inflicted campaign wound saying recently parents should stay out of educating their children:
Karl Marx would be proud of what gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said during a debate with other candidates for governor of Virginia.
The Clinton crony was explaining his position that parents should not be allowed to determine what books and content are used in the curriculum of students.
“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
McAuliffe couldn’t be more wrong. Check out one recent case of a parent who stepped up to take gay pedophilia out of a school library:
Virginia mom Stacy Langton spoke at a recent Fairfax County Public School Board Meeting as a very concerned parent. She spoke about her concern for the content of books found in the school library.
The video clip below shows Stacy Langton who told the school board that she was able to check out the two books at the Fairfax High School library she had seen other parents protest:
“Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison and “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe
Langton told the school board: Both of these books include pedophilia. Sex between men and boys … One book describes a fourth-grade boy performing oral sex on an adult male. The other book has detailed illustrations of a man having sex with a boy.”
McAuliffe’s Republican opponent Glen Youngkin has an ad out about McAuliffe’s COVID lies:
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