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American Media, New York Times, New Yorker, Paint Soleimani As Poet, Great General

The liberal media is beset with grief after President Donald Trump ordered the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. From questionin...

The liberal media is beset with grief after President Donald Trump ordered the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
From questioning the president’s motives, to the intelligence from our agencies, to bringing on Democrat guests to attack the president they have been persistent.
But they have now taken another tack in their criticism of the president’s decision, Painting Gen Soleimani, a man who murdered hundreds of Americans, as a hero and martyr.
Robin Wright of “The New Yorker” painted a portrait of the general that should be reserved for American heroes like Gen. Patton.
“Suleimani, a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows, gained notice during the eight-year war with Iraq, in the nineteen eighties.
“He rose through the Revolutionary Guard to become head of the Quds Force—an Iranian unit of commandos comparable to the U.S. seals, Delta Force, and Rangers combined—in 1998.
“He was the most feared and most admired military leader in the region,” she said in the story published Friday.
The title of the piece was “The Killing Of Qassem Soleimani Is Tantamount To An Act Of War,” which tells you the tone of the story.
“Was the assassination of #Soleimani an act of war? It will certainly be read that way in Iran and across the Middle East.
“An epic turn of events in the world’s most volatile region that may ensure Soleimanis influence even in death,” she said on Twitter.
Not to be outdone, Farnaz Fassihi, a journalist for the New York Times, shared a video of the general reading poetry.
After being shredded by patriots on Twitter the writer posted three more tweets defending her sharing of the video.
“Folks attacking me for sharing this video: It’s called reporting. It’s not an endorsement or sympathy. I share whatever info I get for all to see. That’s all,” she said.
“Again: This video was shared because it’s noteworthy as part of Iran’s efforts to turn Soleimani into a legend/cult figure at home and in the region. Showing him reciting poetry about becoming a martyr is aimed at elevating his standing-martyrdom is revered in Shia Islam,” the writer said.
“All these accusations that I’m sympathizing with him or it’s a eulogy is pure nonsense. People Google my body of work on Iran for the past 25 years to see how I’ve documented regime’s human rights abuses & have been a victim myself,” she said.

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