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Rep. Ilhan Omar Outraged About Being Asked to Condemn Female Genital Mutilation By Fellow Muslim

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was outraged after being asked to condemn female genital mutilation by  Ani Zonneveld,  the President of Muslims ...

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was outraged after being asked to condemn female genital mutilation by Ani Zonneveld, the President of Muslims for Progressive Values.

Rep. Omar acted deeply offended by the “appalling question,” claiming that other lawmakers who aren’t Muslim aren’t asked about these topics. The person asking the question was a fellow Muslim, however — and it was at an event specifically about the religion. 
Zonneveld posed the question at the Muslim Caucus Education Collective’s 2019 Conference.
“Should I make a schedule? Like, does this need to be on repeat every 5 minutes? Should I be like, ‘so, today I forgot to condemn Al-Qaeda, so here’s the Al-Qaeda one. Today I forgot to condemn FGM so here it goes. Today I forgot to condemn Hamas so here it goes.’ It is a very frustrating question that comes up. You can look up my record. I’ve voted for bills doing exactly what you are asking me to do,” Omar snapped at Zonneveld indignately.
Rep. Omar added that she is “quite disgusted to be honest that as Muslim legislators, we are constantly being asked to waste our time speaking to issues that other people are not asked to speak to because the assumption exists that we somehow support [it].” Again, she was asked the question by a fellow Muslim at a conference about being Muslim.
According to the CDC, at least 500,000 girls and women in the US have been subjected to the horrific custom, or are at risk of having it done to them. There are so many victims, and potential victims, in the US that the State Department released a video about the ritual in 2017 featuring American survivors.


  1. being a muslim woman from somalia, it is entirely likely that Omar herself is a victim of FGM.
    IMO this website should find another reason to excoriate her besides trying to shame her for what is no doubt a very shameful subject to muslim women.
    maybe this website and others of similar ilk should instead focus their attention upon Omar's strong opinion against israel and israel's horrid treatment of arabs in general and palestinians in particular.
    yalls don't like Ilhan Omar? i would trade any clinton, bush or trump for her in a new york minute.

  2. Oh, NO, sweepea! The rest of us don't do that!!! As a matter of fact we didn't even become aware of this barbaric practice until you (Muslims) showed up!!! Own it!!! Why weren't you at the women's pink passy march protesting this practice?

    P.S., We don't treat you like American politicians because they don't do this to their little girls!!!! Your culture does!!!! Got it?!!

  3. no i think the author of this article couldn't care less about FGM other than as an issue to make Omar look bad. otherwise there would be other articles here denouncing FGM. but there aren't, are there. only this one which is about Omar and not FGM as a practice. i stand by my claim that i would trade any clinton, bush or trump for Omar in a new york minute, just for her views on israel and the israel lobby alone.

  4. Wait a sec! It isn't about Ilham, It's about a barbaric practice that is performed on little girls so that when they "Marry", their husbands won't be responsible for their pleasure!!!

    Ilham, the real problem is that your group is doing it to little girls here in US!!! You're suppose to be fleeing abuse, why continue it on the defenseless here?! If you care about "kids in 'cages'", then you should care about this!!! Cages are temporary, this is permanent mutilation!!!!!!!!!

    P.S., If it is a "...shameful subject for muslim women", then all the more reason to stop it and take care of little girls!!!!!!!

  5. well maybe the author of this article should mount a crusade against FGM.
    but, as i said; the author doesn't really give a shit about it. which is obvious because the article is not about FGM it is about omar.
    hey i have an idea; maybe you should mount a crusade against FGM.
    why is it omar's responsibility and not yours?

  6. "...make Omar look bad..."? Are you kidding? This is bigger than that! Feeling bad, come with her job!

    I guess u missed the case last year when little girls were brought to a physician couple in Michigan for FGM! This is against the law in US!
