Grand Ole Evan – wisdom beyond his years This young conservative who calls himself Grand-Ole-Evan gave the best explanation on why Preside...
This young conservative who calls himself Grand-Ole-Evan gave the best explanation on why President Donald Trump and Republicans swept the 2024 elections.
It came down to half of America living in reality of consequences of Democrat leadership and policies versus the other half of America living in delusion that their rights were going to be taken away.
It was reality versus delusion.
It really was that simple and not the deluded Democrats are furious that Republican voters did not put the left’s delusions before their needs to eat and find affordable housing.
It’s really that simple.
And Democrats are REALLY that crazy.
They need to step away from the fake news and detoxify their minds.
Grand Ole Evan: People did not choose grocery prices over your human rights. People chose grocery prices over your delusions that your rights were being taken away in the first place. Nobody is taking away your rights. Trump was already President, and he didn’t take away gay marriage. He didn’t enact a national abortion ban. So stop scolding working class people because they didn’t prioritize your delusions over their ability to put food on the table.
The people who talk so much about privilege don’t seem to understand what a privileged position it is to be in, to be able to prioritize your own delusions that your rights are being taken away, to be able to prioritize that over your ability to put food on the table.
I see so many people doing anything but reflecting on why the Democrat Party’s message was such a resounding failure with the American people this election cycle. This was a sweeping red wave because people are tired of prioritizing fake issues. People are tired of coddling adults who demand that everybody prioritize their feelings over everyone else’s ability to feed themselves.
Via Grand Ole Evan on Instagram.
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