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Hillary Clinton-Produced Broadway Musical A Bust

 The Hillary Clinton -produced Broadway musical “Suffs,” about the suffragette movement of the 1900s, is turning out to be a bust as the sho...

 The Hillary Clinton-produced Broadway musical “Suffs,” about the suffragette movement of the 1900s, is turning out to be a bust as the show has failed to sell out seats.

The stage play — co-produced by Clinton and Malala Yousafzai — finishedin the bottom 23% of all 35 shows on Broadway in terms of filling the theater for the week ending May 5, according to Broadway

According to the Broadway Theatre’s Industry official site, “Suffs” only managed to reach an 81% capacity across eight performances that week.  The play did even worse the following week ending May 12, with the musical only filling 78% of its 7,784 seats across all performances, the New York Post noted.

The musical — directed by Leigh Silverman — was written by singer-songwriter Shaina Taub. It is produced by Jill Furman and Rachel Sussman, along with co-producers Clinton and Yousafzai. It is one of the newer shows on Broadway after it officially opened last month. 

The play is nearly 3 hours long and takes place in 1913 when the “women’s movement is heating up in America, anchored by the suffragists — “Suffs,” as they call themselves — and their relentless pursuit of the right to vote,” a description on the show’s website read.

“Reaching across and against generational, racial, and class divides, these brilliant, flawed women entertain and inspire us with the story of their hard-won victory in an ongoing fight,” it added. “So much has changed since the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment over a century ago, and yet we’re reminded sometimes we need to look back, in order to march fearlessly into the future.”

Speaking to the Associated Press about the play, Clinton said she felt she could relate to ​​“all of” the characters.

“I know how important it is to have relationships with the people you’re working for, as you’re taking risks and you’re doing things that have never been done, whether it’s running for president in my case or having a march on Washington in 1913 to try to convince the president and the Congress to adopt the amendment to let women vote,” Clinton told the AP, referencing when she ran for president in 2016 and lost to former President Donald Trump.

She also talked about the 2024 election and said she sees this play as “relevant to today. We have a lot of challenges in our country … I think having a play about voting in the election year could not be better timed.”

Daily Wire host Michael Knowles recently discussed on his podcast that “despite a concerted promotional effort by the establishment media” and a cast made up entirely of “females or gender non-binary cast,” the musical is failing.

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