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Elderly couple gets eviction notice after making payments on a home for 2 decades; they say their son transferred ownership without telling them

  An elderly couple in California was shocked and dismayed after they were served an eviction notice to leave their home after making paymen...

 An elderly couple in California was shocked and dismayed after they were served an eviction notice to leave their home after making payments for more than two decades.

The plight of Ismael and Angelita Ramirez was spread by videos on TikTok after they got the eviction notice in April for their house in Fresno. 

"Every month, we were paying $700 a month," said Ismael Ramirez in Spanish to KMPH-TV.

He said that they purchased the home in 2003 but that their son assured them they didn't need to be on the title and that he would take care of it.

"He told us, they told him, it wasn't necessary. And well, since we don't know English, that's where they lied to us," the dad continued.

After being served the notice, they discovered that the son had transferred ownership of the home to a woman who was forcing them to leave. They are on Social Security income and cannot buy another home or pay the high rent prices in California. 

"They left us with nothing," said Ismael Ramirez. "At the moment, we felt the world was collapsing on top of us. Especially since I can't really walk, and my wife gets depressed and suffers from high blood pressure over the whole situation." 

They say attorneys won't take their case after learning the home was in their son's name.

The couple says they were shocked by the eviction and never imagined their son would do this to them. They are living with their daughter until they can figure out where to live.

GoFundMe account was set up to raise money for the couple, and it has garnered over $44K in donations.

After the story went viral, the woman who took possession of the home defended her actions to KMPH and added additional information in defense of the son. She said he was on the verge of a mental health breakdown after losing his job and not being able to make payments on the house.

Fresno is a city 220 mile north of Los Angeles, and the average home there sells for about $375,000.

Here's a local news report about the incident:

Fresno elderly couple evicted after son transfers home ownership

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