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“I Sort of Hope it is Joe, Because he Will Hear “Where’s Hunter?” Every Single Debate, Nine Times a Debate” – Trump Shreds Biden Crime Family at Ohio Rally (VIDEO)

President Trump held a rally Thursday night in Toledo, Ohio.  OAN reporter and Twitter sensation  Jack Posobiec  attended the rally t...

President Trump held a rally Thursday night in Toledo, Ohio. 
OAN reporter and Twitter sensation Jack Posobiec attended the rally today and posted AMAZING VIDEO from outside the Huntington Center in Toledo.
The crowds started lining up to see President Trump 11 hours early!


Kristinn took this AMAZING 360 degree video from inside the Huntington Center at 4 PM!… Hours before the rally! 

During the rally in Ohio President Trump lashed out at the Biden Crime Family.
President Trump told the crowd, “So where’s Hunter? Where the hell are you, Hunter? But I tell you, I sort of hope it’s Joe because he will hear, “Where’s Hunter?” every single debate, nine times a debate!” 

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