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'Handmaid's Tale' author says climate change will cause more car accidents because of brain oxygen deprivation

Margaret Atwood, Canadian author of dystopian novel, "The Handmaid's Tale," appeared on "The View" Friday, where...

Margaret Atwood, Canadian author of dystopian novel, "The Handmaid's Tale," appeared on "The View" Friday, where she issued ominous warnings about climate change.

During her diatribe, Atwood said that climate change will eventually cause a spike in car accidents, because less oxygen in the air means less oxygen in the brain.

Wait ... what?

Co-host Joy Behar, who admitted that she is "obsessed" with climate change, asked Atwood her thoughts on how climate change might impact the earth in coming years.
Atwood said that her main concern was an uptick in vehicular accidents, caused by warming oceans, spurred on by climate change.

"Really fast ... tell me what bothers you the most," Behar told Atwood.
"OK," she began. "The thing to keep your eye on is the warmth of the ocean. Because if the ocean warms too much, the marine algae that make 60 to 80 percent of the oxygen we breathe will die, and we will choke to death."

If choking to death doesn't scare you, car accidents should, probably — because, according to the 79-year-old feminist author, that's what's coming next.

"We'll have a lot of traffic accidents first because our brains will be oxygen-starved, but that's the thing that will really do us in," Atwood said. "If you have no oxygen, you're not going to be worrying about the monster hurricanes."

Oh, is that all?

Also, during the interview, Atwood discussed abortion rights in the United States, and said that if the government was insistent on restricting abortions, that it should, perhaps, be willing to support mothers for the rest of their lives.

"[N]ow since they're rolling back [abortion] rights and diminishing them so much, you're approaching a state in which women are essentially being conscripted or drafted the way you would be conscripted or drafted into the Army, and my view on that is, if you want to do this — if you want this state to claim ownership of women's bodies, you should pay," she insisted. "So if somebody's drafted into the Army, they get their food, their lodging and clothing, their medical. All of that covered. So if you want to do that to women, you should pay for it."

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