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Democrat Calls For Gun Confiscation, Suggests Nuking Americans Who Fight Back (16 Pics)

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) caused a firestorm on Friday when he suggested using nuclear weapons against American citizens who ...

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) caused a firestorm on Friday when he suggested using nuclear weapons against American citizens who oppose his far-left gun control agenda, which includes forcing Americans to give up their semi-automatic weapons.
Swalwell made the comment in response to a May news article on his radical plan that was widely recirculated on Twitter on Friday in which he called for a $15 billion government program to confiscate millions of guns from Americans.
Swalwell responded to the tweet by writing: "And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities."
Swalwell's remark set off a firestorm online:

Swalwell later confirmed in a tweet to the NRA's Dana Loesch that he wants to confiscate all semi-automatic weapons:
Swalwell later argued that if a firearm contains a pistol grip then that somehow magically makes the weapon more powerful:


  1. "I wish my Jewish friends, neighbors and constituents an easy fast for this Yom Kippur, and that they may inscribed and sealed for a good year."
    Just about sums it up, don't you think?
    Jews and Criminals will always have guns, this guy has a gun, has protection paid for by the people he wants to disarm, so, they cannot defend themselves or their children, but then, he is in California, so what should we expect?
    Crypto Jew, probably, a disease infecting the white majority people, for sure, do we have any hope of ever living our lives, again, without the fear and dread of death hanging over us, no, we don't.
    How do you spell helpless, I spell it several ways, one way is: D-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y. Another way is: h-e-l-p-l-e-s-s. White people in the world today are helpless, tangled in a democracy that intends their demise, hanging on to religious idiocy that demands they turn the other cheek and love the neighbor, made to feel guilty for their accomplishments. Cooked, like a frog in boiling water.

  2. Getting that 15 minutes of fame. Bad Publicity Is Better Than No Publicity

  3. Makes sense. Confiscate the guns for the "protection of the people" and nuke the sons of bitches that refuse to. Somebody PLEASE tell me what world I've awakened in since the turn of the century?
