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Kachelman: Democrat Reaction to Historic LA Fires Is Just as Saul Alinsky Ordered

  Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and California Governor Gavin Newsom fiddle as LA burns. Let me suggest that just as punishment is the failur...


Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and California Governor Gavin Newsom fiddle as LA burns.

Let me suggest that just as punishment is the failure of discipline, crises management is the failure of proper management with families, finances, relationships, and politics. It is regarding the latter that I offer these thoughts.

Proper management utilizes this principle, “A prudent person sees evil and hides himself, but the naive proceed, and pay the penalty” (The Bible, Proverbs 22:3). The results of “crises management” is the consequence of those in charge—they will bring chaos or calm.

Chaotic crisis management arises because the governing structure has failed. This failure fuels insecurity and instability. republican governing, founded upon human values and mutual respect, encourages the citizens’ productivity and leads to success and citizens’ strong self-esteem. These components build a strong nation. (Allow an aside: “Republicanism” is a political ideology that emphasizes the principles of representative government, individual rights, and the rule of law. “Republicans” believe in a system of government where power is vested in elected representatives who are accountable to the people who voted for them.)

When a nation’s stability is attacked, there is an unraveling of the social and civic order. Inept, “naïve” elected officials invite chaos and anarchy to result. The governing authority is scorned. In such events violations to the Rule of Law are allowed with impunity for some. Consequently, the innocent is victimized and the guilty are absolved.

This pattern is historically validated. Past world powers are forever gone; erased from the present; confined to the dustbins of “has-beens.” A common factor in these failed nations is that national pride blinded the citizens to the fragility of the nation’s permanence. An example is the Third Reich which was to last 1,000 years but only lasted 13 years!

A nation’s failure results from catastrophic choices made during crises.

An intriguing aspect of the national crisis management is seen in how crises are utilized in restructuring the Rule of Law in the national body politic. The crises can be manipulated to serve an ungodly agenda that undermines the established Rule of Law. Think about this observation.

Never waste a serious crisis!

Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to BHO, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” he told a Wall Street Journal forum in 2008.

This seems to be the mantra of the Democrat Party Brand…the DEMS enjoy utilizing crises for their manipulative gaming of the nation. This is validated by a number of situations but look at the wildfires on the west coast. The DEMS are gaming “global warming” that currently is changed to “climate change.” The idiocy of this position has been rebuffed, but the DEM political Brand will not let it go. Here is a quick list of DEMS using the recent wildfires to game their positions (many more can be added):

  • Bernie Sanders Blames Raging California Wildfires on Climate Change
  • Barbra Streisand: Winds Pushing Los Angeles Wildfires Are ‘Due to Climate Change’
  • Hollywood director Jim Jarmusch blame the raging fires on “climate deniers,” demanding that people stop viewing “woke” as “a negative thing.” Note: Is it not interesting that PC “woke” requires DEMS to follow their handlers regarding the imagined “climate change?”
  • Democrat Pramila Jayapal Blames Fires on Corporations Ignoring ‘Reality of Climate Change’

The REAL TRUTH regarding crises

Those wearing the Democrat Party Brand refuse to confess their foolish positions. It is easier to play the blame game than to admit wrong and change choice directions.

The CA fires bring this into a sharp focus. Some are now voicing discontent with the Democrat leadership, Mayor Bass and Governor Newson, over perceived failures in crisis management. It is too late for any redeeming action but at least some are admitting the real reason for the failed State.

The Democrat Party’s response to crisis management is illustrated by CA’s horror—Bass cut the Fire Department budget, rebuked the Fire Chief for criticizing management, shuttered SIXTEEN Fire Stations, placed DEI incompetence in charge of a critical water storage reservoir that has been offline for over a year, and the reader can add to this list.

The REAL TRUTH is the Democrat Party Brand is living in a delusional bubble when it comes to crises. Whether the crisis is from a natural event, an anti-social event, an economic event, foreign affairs or a military event. The DEM POLS march in goosestep controlled by their majority handlers. They are opposed to the American citizens who voted with an overwhelming mandate to change course. America has found the Democrat Party’s philosophy repulsive and have rejected it. However, in the face of the election’s results the DEMS are marshalling opposition to the electorate’s mandate. Hopefully, the citizens will remember this and the next election cycle should see an even greater rejection as more DEMS are voted out of office!

General Mike Flynn, “Sadly and tragically, we have now had catastrophic disasters in HI, NC, & CA. All 3 states are led by Democrat Governors who have diverted critical funding from Essential Lifeline Mitigation measures; didn’t adequately warn their residents in NC; and along with Joe Biden’s pathetic FEMA responses, failed to respond in mass… they never hold themselves accountable for their malice that causes the destruction of so many lives of our fellow Americans and all their life’s treasures.”

The unspoken ideology

The unspoken fact is the Democrat Party has surrendered to the Engles/Marx “dialectic.” You will remember from Ninth Grade civics the theory that societal perfection comes only as the “old” is replaced with the “new.” There is the “thesis” (old) the “antithesis” (chaos that disrupts the old) and the “synthesis” (the resulting new and supreme order). According to the Marxist DEMS, chaos must be initiated, encouraged and supported so the old is violently removed. Then from the ashes of anti-social and uncivil destructive horrors, a “new” supreme order arises.

“Community organizer” (euphemistically one occupying a Socialist Marxist position seeking to bring chaos to the USA) Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, put it this way (page 89): “In the arena of action, a threat or crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication.”

The DEMS action of taking advantage of any crisis whether real or manufactured is used by those waging war in “antithesis.” When used in this way, it is no longer a tactic of protest but a tactic of ideological subversion used to bring about totalitarian government control (Think of BLM, the hysteria of C-19, the J6 persecuted, the endless witch hunts of the DEMS against President Trump, etc).

The lead is formed along the lines of a crisis subject and then plays that crisis to force the need for control. If the crisis is allowed to continue (consider the unending attacks on President Trump or the never-ending COVID hysteria) people will cry out to the government for relief. It is assumed the government has the answer to the crisis. But the result of the Nanny State’s actions leads to property destruction, and even loss of life and limb.

The crisis response is designed to manipulate the people into accepting the lie that the Federal Governing Nanny State provides better than the individual. This is the “collective” rather than the individual!

The final point of Alinsky’s rules is illustrated by Bass. Number 13 states, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  “(T)he opposition must be singled out as the target and frozen… There is a constant…passing of the buck.” The responsibility for the crisis must never be accepted by the Marxist. The blame must focus on the targeted change. The crisis will change but the target remains the same! (Recall how regardless of the crisis President Trump is to blame.)

To avoid culpability the Marxist “passes the buck” on responsibility. Listen to Bass“‘Let me finish. Rest assured, when that is done, when we are safe, when lives have been saved and homes have been saved, we will absolutely do an evaluation to look at what worked, what didn’t work, and to correct or to hold accountable anybody, department, individual, etc. But my focus right now is on the lives and on the homes.”Where is mention of budget cuts, the empty reservoir, shuttering 16 fire stations, DEI ineptness, etc?

The Inexplicable Is Explained

Many are perplexed about the illogic of crisis management in our nation. After all, how can such egregious incompetence be employed, excused, and even awarded? As Conan Doyle would say, the explanation is “elementary.” Just pull back the curtain and all is exposed. Those elected to the Democrat Party and positioned to manage crises are wedded to a philosophy that urges chaos instead of calm; insecurity rather than safety. Why? Because the Democrat Party has metastasized Engles/Marx/Lenin ideology.

But do not miss the obvious point. Our nation is a “Representative Republic.” The citizens are in charge! Who is to blame if the citizens have cowered to a Ruling Elite that has no inclination to represent the will of the citizens? The citizens are guilty because they elected the miscreants. The citizens cast the votes so let them “sleep in the bed they made.” I do not want to bail them out of the position they chose. Here are two blunt comments that place the Democrat Party Brand in proper light:

We pay the highest taxes in California. Our fire hydrants were empty. Our vegetation was overgrown, brush not cleared. Our reservoirs were emptied by our governor because tribal leaders wanted to save fish. Our fire department budget was cut by our mayor. But thank god drug addicts are getting their drug kits.”

if it is true that things were handled this way, if it is true then Gavin Newsom is the absolute blithering idiot that I believe he is in the way… This isn’t a wake-up call… This is the kind of thing they have tribunals for.”

Every citizen is obligated to follow righteousness and commend godliness so society will be good. This action is the only guarantee for national permanence. Some take me to task for citing biblical texts. Such maintain the Holy Scriptures do not apply to our present day. But the Scriptures are “profitable.” Although written millennia ago and addressed to specific nations, the inspired principles of governing apply today (The Bible, Romans 15:4).

The Scriptures emphasize the Almighty’s sovereignty. This reign ultimately brings human governing into the judgement dock. Among the many somber principles addressing this point here are two applying to the political crisis mismanagement:

Isaiah 28:15, “(Y)ou have said…we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception.”

Jeremiah 49:16, “As for the horror you cause, the arrogance of your heart has deceived you, you who occupy the height of the hill. Though you make your nest as high as an eagle’s, I will bring you down from there, declares the Lord.”

Let those positioned in “high places” to govern our nation realize they are not positioned for arrogance but for assuring the continued greatness of our nation. They are not positioned to play the population to fuel chaos but to assure civility.

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