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Media Orgs Panic After Right-Wing Parties Surge In European Elections

  Media organizations smeared right-wing parties in Europe over the weekend after they gained serious traction in elections across the conti...

 Media organizations smeared right-wing parties in Europe over the weekend after they gained serious traction in elections across the continent as backlash grows to the political Left’s radical climate agenda, inflation, and the millions of migrants that have come from the Middle East and Africa.

News organizations, from The New York Times to Reuters to the Associated Press, labeled right-wing parties as “far-right,” “extreme right,” and “radical right.” Meanwhile, left-wing socialist parties were simply labeled as “center-left” and “pro-democracy” parties.

French President Emmanuel Macron was crushed by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, which is set to become the country’s largest political party.

“The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” Macron said. “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

In Germany, the country’s center-right was leading but the second strongest showing came from the country’s Alternative for Germany, which media organizations claimed was an “extreme right” party.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party also made significant gains in Italy.

Europe’s Green parties and globalist left-wing parties suffered the largest losses in the European Union’s Parliamentary elections.

POLITICO noted that if hard-right parties formed a single group, they would be the second most powerful force in the E.U.’s parliament behind the center-right European People’s Party.


Reports said that the hard-right parties made serious inroads with young voters.

Examples of some of the scary-sounding lines the media used to describe the elections included:

  • Reuters: “It reflects a growing trend in the West to turn from the mainstream and status quo towards radical alternatives such as former and possibly future U.S. President Donald Trump. In previous elections, radical right parties talked of leaving the European Union or its single currency, echoing the calls of British Brexiteers. Now these parties want to influence it from within.”
  • The New York Times: “The outcome has unsettled the bloc’s mainstream establishment and seems likely to steel the far-right as a disruptive force.”
  • The Washington Post: “For years, we’ve talked about a seemingly inexorable trend: Little by little, Europe’s far right was gaining ground and nudging its way closer to power. Political firewalls against extremist factions once considered beyond the pale tumbled from country to country. The ‘cordon sanitaire’ erected by more mainstream parties against the putative descendants of Europe’s fascist movements had collapsed. The far right, headlines blared, was on the march. The initial results of the European Union’s parliamentary elections may point to a definitive arrival. Across the continent, and especially in some of its biggest countries, far-right parties produced strong or record results.”
  • Axios: “The center held in some countries, but a surge by the radical right — especially in Germany — has put pro-democracy parties on notice.”
  • The Associated Press: “Far-right parties rattled the traditional powers in the European Union and made major gains in parliamentary elections Sunday, dealing an especially humiliating defeat to French President Emmanuel Macron. On a night where the 27-member bloc palpably shifted to the right, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni more than doubled her seats in the EU parliament. And even if the Alternative for Germany extreme right party was hounded by scandal involving candidates, it still rallied enough seats to sweep past the slumping Social Democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.”

Many of these trends reflect political winds in the U.S., where voters overwhelmingly disapprove of the job that President Joe Biden is doing, especially after millions of illegals have stormed into the U.S., energy prices have skyrocketed, and inflation has wreaked havoc on families. Presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump remains polling ahead of Biden — despite a recent felony conviction, which may be overturned — and has made serious inroads with young voters and minority communities.

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