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Old post of Joe Biden slamming Donald Trump's China tariffs resurfaces; internet says, ‘he plagiarized his whole life’

  US President   Joe Biden   on Tuesday implemented 100% tariffs on various   Chinese  products, including electric vehicles, advanced batte...

 US President Joe Biden on Tuesday implemented 100% tariffs on various Chinese products, including electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum, and medical equipment.

Throughout this decision, Biden criticised Donald Trump's previous approaches and argued that Chinese government subsidies give their companies an unfair advantage in global trade by allowing them to operate without the need for profitability. 

However, an old tweet from 2019 by President Joe Biden, criticizing then-President Donald Trump's imposition of tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese imports, is resurfacing amid Biden's recent decision to implement significant tariffs on various Chinese products.

"Trump doesn't get the basics. He thinks his tariffs are being paid by China," Biden said at the time. “Any freshman econ student could tell you that the American people are paying his tariffs. The cashiers at Target see what's going on- they know more about economics than Trump," Biden wrote in a post on X in 2019.

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden pledged to eliminate Donald Trump's tariffs if he were to be elected to the White House.

One netizen reacted, “Biden is attempting to mimic President Trump's policies for the election now. lol."

Another user commented, “This epitomizes American politics at its peak."

A user said, “He plagiarized his whole life. Why are we shocked now that he’s plagiarizing Trump?"

Another wrote, “Leave it to a liberal to by a lying hypocrite, figures."

Another individual remarked, “The pandering for votes continues.". A different user speculated, “Must be all the industries that did not send Hunter and him money."

A user said, “This administration are liars to an amazing degree. Biden has no idea what’s going on. He thinks he back in Delaware circa 1956."

Another one said, “Biden wants American to pay more."

Netizens react to the post on X.
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Netizens react to the post on X. 

Meanwhile, another commenter quipped, “What's awkward is that you think you're buying semiconductors."

Netizens react to the post on X.
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Netizens react to the post on X. 

A user, Marty Combs wrote, “The Circular Firing Squad is nearly complete." Charlie Brinza remarked, “He can't recall 5 days ago, let alone 5 years ago." Another user concluded, “That didn’t age well, did it."

It is to be further noted that during his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden pledged to eliminate Donald Trump's tariffs if he were to be elected to the White House.

Biden has positioned his presidential legacy on the United States gaining ground against China through government investments in domestic factories producing electric vehicles (EVs), computer chips, and other advanced technologies.


On the contrary, Trump reassures his supporters that America risks falling behind China by not heavily investing in oil to sustain the economy despite the associated risks of climate change.

While the former president believes tariffs could prompt changes in Chinese behaviour, he acknowledges the U.S.'s dependence on China for components of EVs and solar cells.

“Joe Biden’s economic plan is to make China rich and America poor," he said at a rally this month in Wisconsin.

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