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Biden Fans Get Roasted For Celebrating Bogus ‘Ceasefire’ Deal

  A few of President Joe Biden’s fans got roasted on Monday after cheering reports of a ceasefire deal between Israel and the terror group H...

 A few of President Joe Biden’s fans got roasted on Monday after cheering reports of a ceasefire deal between Israel and the terror group Hamas — only to find out the deal was bogus.

The Biden camp was quick to celebrate reports of the alleged ceasefire agreement — but apparently no one stopped to see whether or not the deal was legitimate before boasting about it on social media.

“BREAKING Hamas has reportedly accepted a cease-fire. Looks like all the work that President Biden and Secretary Blinken have done behind the scenes has paid off,” Chris Jackson posted via X.

“Hamas just announced that accepts a ‘ceasefire’ proposal that is not even on the table (‘Israel ends the war and restores Hamas rule’). The Biden campaign immediately started celebrating it,” Dr. Eli David posted, adding, “You can’t make this up.”

“Team Biden is reckless and irresponsible,” Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) added. “It’s also important to remember that the Biden Administration’s soft on Iran policies emboldened Hamas. October 7th would have never happened if Trump was still in the White House.”

“What’s the Hamas deal Israel is not agreeing to? 33 hostages released DEAD OR ALIVE. Read that again — DEAD OR ALIVE. Who in their right mind would agree to this?!” Another post read.

The Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro weighed in as well, saying, “Israel: Here are the terms of our proposed ceasefire.

Hamas: No. We will fire rockets at your soldiers at a humanitarian aid entry.
Israel: Okay, we’re going into Rafah.
Hamas: We accept a ceasefire we negotiated with ourselves.
Media: Hamas accepts ceasefire! They want peace!”

Within hours, Israel had confirmed that no ceasefire agreement had been reached and had begun to launch initial strikes on Rafah, which is rumored to be the last remaining stronghold for Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

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