A California food truck owner stepped in to save an elderly woman from being robbed near his locally famous food truck, Bryan’s Birrieria ...
A California food truck owner stepped in to save an elderly woman from being robbed near his locally famous food truck, Bryan’s Birrieria in Long Beach on March 10.
Toward the end of his shift, food truck owner and good samaritan Bryan Tecun laid eyes on a man trying to rob the woman he reportedly recognized – and went as far as to chase the man and then shake him down to retrieve the loot he had forcefully taken from the female just moments before, according to CBS News. The man rushed to give the woman her belongings back but didn’t realize he had been stabbed in the process.
“It’s just you know, an elderly person, somebody that kind of resembled my mom’s age,” Tecun said. ” I would appreciate it if somebody did the same for my mom.” The man had stolen the woman’s phone.
Tecun reportedly took the device back from the robber and returned it to its rightful owner.
At first, the Tecun only felt a slight shoulder pain. Later, he realized the robber dished out much worse damage
“I got in my truck and drove away. As I was driving on the 710 I started feeling a bit worse,” Tecun told CBS. “I started sweating a lot and felt like I was gonna pass out.”
Then, he realized blood was pouring out of a gash on his upper torso.
Doctors soon realized that the man had been stabbed twice, resulting in a lung collapse. Amid all the action, Tecun said he never saw any kind of weapon flash at all as he pursued the robber. As a result, Tecun spent three days in the hospital.
Tecun said he would gladly do it again, according to the outlet.
“Like I said, I would do it for anybody,” he emphasized. “We’re here to be here for each other.”
The Long Beach Police Department arrested a 29-year-old man in connection with the robbery, but have held back on pressing charges pending Tecun’s reporting of the crime.
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