War correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon recently shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, video footage showing peo...
War correspondent and former Special Forces soldier Michael Yon recently shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, video footage showing people in New York City being randomly searched by law enforcement at the Big Apple subway station. Social media users were quick to comment how this seemed like the city was being placed under a total police state.
According to reports, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul deployed on March 6 some 750 national guardsmen and 250 state police officers to patrol the subway system as the state's response to fighting recent high-profile crimes. "Let me just be very, very clear. These brazen, heinous attacks on our subway system will not be tolerated," Hochul said Wednesday.
This followed New York City Mayor Eric Adams' announcement Tuesday to add more police officers and re-institute bag checks. "I know how it plays on your psyche when you hear about some random acts of violence and that's why we must be proactive," Adams told CBS New York in an interview earlier Wednesday ahead of Hochul's announcement. The cops are doing bag checks for straphangers (a standing passenger in a bus or train) and will stop people who have been convicted of violent crimes against subway passengers from using public transit for three years.
"We are instituting random bag checks," the mayor said. "They are random. They are not profiling. They are random." "Including with what they're doing checking bags to make sure explosive or illegal weapons are not entering our subway system, it's also creating another sense of presence," said New York Police Department Transit Chief Michael Kemper.
The deployment is an addition to the almost 1,000 New York City Police Department officers who were stationed throughout the subway system last month. Cameras have also been installed in roughly one-sixth of the subway cars.
Crimes in the city have skyrocketed since January compared to last year. There were three homicides in the underground system over January and February, while incidents such as grand larcenies, felony assaults and robberies have also surged. Subway crime, which is tracked as its category, was up 30 percent year over year in 2022 when compared with 2021, despite Adams' choosing to deploy police patrols throughout the system.
Meanwhile, someone from the Twitter world volunteered a valid point. "If you're going to introduce a bunch of new police officers and National Guard soldiers into the subway system, what is the point of having them all stand in the same place instead of riding trains and walking laps of stations?" it said.
A commenter replied: "It's all performative 'security/safety theatre' and just even more virtue-signaling from the likes of NY governor Kathy Hochul."
Big Apple complies as they are flooded with illegal migrants
Meanwhile, Yon sees the situation in a deeper aspect. "And the herd complies just as the herd complied in flooding the nation with their own replacements," he captioned his X post.
Observers were quick to see the journalist's reference to illegal migrants flooding the sanctuary cities, such as New York. During former President Donald Trump's campaign speech in Virginia, where he lambasted President Joe Biden's immigration and open border policies, he revealed how some of these border crossers came from jail or who are criminals in their own countries, running away from the law. And here in America, they are welcomed with open arms.
"Exactly. This is a test. A compliance test. Soon to be rolled out everywhere near you," someone replied on Yon's post. "First the mayor and governor of N.Y. say they want illegals and they cut back their police force, laying off many, then cry help, help, help when these illegals, many of whom came straight from Venezuela prisons, in for heinous crimes, start attacking citizens, raping women, murdering people and stealing from businesses. And the guard is called in to save their city from further assaults on people. IMO these politicians should be tried for treason. PERIOD," another Twitter user commented in the thread.
Some even quoted the Constitution's Fourth Amendment: "The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law."
Moreover, some followers said they smell martial law and this is a possible dry run of implementing a totalitarian state.
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