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NYPD to ban protest enforcement tactic used during 2020 George Floyd unrest — and many observers are less than thrilled about move

  The New York City Police Department will ban the protest enforcement tactic known as "kettling," which was used during 2020 Geor...

 The New York City Police Department will ban the protest enforcement tactic known as "kettling," which was used during 2020 George Floyd unrest, as part of a lawsuit settlement, Reuters reported.

What are the details?

Kettling occurs when police officers surround a crowd in order to control it, the outlet said, adding that critics claim kettling traps lawful protesters and innocent bystanders. 

The settlement of the lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York Civil Liberties Union describes kettling as enclosing targeted individuals without having probable cause to detain them, Reuters added.

More from the outlet:

Police will also create a new senior executive role to oversee responses to demonstrations, allow the press more leeway to cover marches, and create a four-tiered response to protests designed to de-escalate conflict and prevent excessive use of force, according to a filing in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Those suits were filed in response to a raucous summer of protests in 2020 when police cracked down on demonstrations against police brutality and in favor of African American rights after Minneapolis police killed George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Similar protests rocked cities across the United Sates.

"Today's settlement represents a novel approach to policing protests that, if implemented faithfully by the NYPD, will ensure that protesters are never again met with the sort of indiscriminate violence and retaliatory over-policing New York saw in the summer of 2020," Legal Aid attorney Corey Stoughton said in the statement, according to Reuters. 

The outlet said the NYPD did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

NYPD agrees to reform protest tactics in settlement 

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