A 2023-2024 risk assessment from the European border agency Frontex shows that the vast majority of illegal migrant invaders, some 92 pe...
A 2023-2024 risk assessment from the European border agency Frontex shows that the vast majority of illegal migrant invaders, some 92 percent, are fighting-age men, while just eight percent are women.
These are last year's figures, though this year's figures are expected to be similar. In short, the third world is sending military-style hordes of young men straight into Europe so they can take over the predominantly white Western world and transform it into something else.
In terms of what Frontex has dubbed as "clandestine entries" into Europe, the group found that 33 percent are Afghans, 15 percent are Syrians, and 10 percent are Turks.
"There is much to suggest that clandestine entry may increase in the next year in line with expected higher migratory pressure at the EU external borders in general," Frontex warns.
"At the same time, increased vehicle traffic at select border-crossing points (not to mention possibly altered circumstances while crossing land BCPs during the introduction of the Entry-Exit System) increases the chances of clandestine migrants going undetected, often under life-threatening and inhumane conditions."
This is an engineered takedown of whites and the West
It turns out that the vast majority of these illegal migrants come from countries, mainly Afghanistan and Syria, "where some of the largest increases in movements to Europe may be expected."
With them comes a lot of drugs, we are told. In 2022, European Union (EU) statistics show that there were 1,898 cases reported about illegal migrants smuggling at least 252 tons of illegal drugs into Europe.
While most of the refugees from Ukraine following the breakout of war were women, most of these illegal migrants pouring in from Africa and the Middle East are younger, fighting-age men who are not fleeing war or persecution, but who are rather economic migrants simply looking for free stuff.
Asylum claims are also up by 28 percent this year compared to the same time period in 2022, suggesting that increasingly more illegals are attempting to break into Europe.
Recent figures published by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) show that the EU is now on course to receive more than one million asylum applications in 2023. As of early September, the tally was around 519,000 applications.
Over the past two years, asylum applications across the bloc have been increasing exponentially. Already up 28 percent this year compared to last, last year's figures were 53 percent higher than in 2021.
As you might expect, EU member states are facing great difficulty trying to keep up with all the applications, not to mention all the new arrivals who are now roving the streets robbing people and making a mess because there is nowhere for them to go.
During the first half of 2023, asylum claims in the EU were at their second-highest, surpassed only by the first half of 2016 when the migrant crisis first began. And keep in mind that these figures do not even account for the four million Ukrainian refugees who have entered Europe since the start of the Ukraine-Russia war.
"Together, these parallel trends pose significant challenges to EU+ asylum and reception systems authorities, so much so that by June 2023, the EUAA was offering operational assistance to 13 Member States," the asylum agency said in a press release.
A proposed EU migration pact that would force members states to take in their "fair share" of asylum claimants or else face financial penalties is vehemently opposed by both Poland and Hungary.
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