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Trump tweet rockets past 211 million views in under 24 hours

  Former President Donald Trump posted his first tweet in more than two years on Thursday, and that post earned more than 211 million views ...

 Former President Donald Trump posted his first tweet in more than two years on Thursday, and that post earned more than 211 million views in less than 24 hours.

The post on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, has amassed a massive number of views so far, but the view count is still on the rise, having surpassed 211 million at the time of this writing. 

Trump, who had been a prolific Twitter user, was booted from the platform in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. While his account was reinstated after Elon Musk purchased the company, Trump had not returned to the platform — that is, until Thursday night.

The tweet that Trump shared Thursday after being booked at an Atlanta jail featured a mug shot in which the former president can be seen with a stern expression on his face. The post bore the messages "ELECTION INTERFERENCE" and "NEVER SURRENDER!" It also linked to a fundraising page. 

"If you are doing poorly due to the sinister people in control of our country right now, don't even think about donating!" the fundraising page declared. "But if you can, please make a contribution to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House and SAVE AMERICA during this dark chapter in our nation's history." 

In a comment on Trump's post, Musk wrote, "Approximately 10 million views per hour of this image."

Musk also agreed with someone who noted Trump's branding prowess and another person who described the former president as a "PR savant."

Polling indicates that Trump is on track to easily secure the GOP's 2024 presidential nomination.

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