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‘Think Again’: Rubio Warns Americans Against TikTok, Wants It Banned

  In his latest step in his fight against the pernicious influence of TikTok, Florida GOP Senator Marco Rubio called for the banning of Chin...

 In his latest step in his fight against the pernicious influence of TikTok, Florida GOP Senator Marco Rubio called for the banning of Chinese-controlled TikTok in an opinion piece published Tuesday.

“TikTok’s public-policy chief blatantly lied under oath when he denied US data is stored in China,” Rubio wrote in his piece published by The New York Post. “ByteDance, TikTok’s China-based parent company, was caught in October using the app to spy on American journalists.”

Rubio noted that The New York Times reported TikTok stores Americans’ private information, which includes driver’s licenses, addresses, and device IDs, in China, where they can be accessed by ByteDance employees. He also pointed out that Forbes revealed the tax information and Social Security numbers of content creators on TikTok are also stored in China.

“Almost a third of the country uses TikTok semi-regularly,” Rubio pointed out. He delineated how TikTok is undercutting American companies by selling products more cheaply through its app. “Who, for that matter, will even be aware of American goods on the market when TikTok’s algorithm begins — as it surely will — to favor Chinese sellers?” he asked.

He referred to the disingenuousness of TikTok’s tactics when they said they were “celebrating” American small business in May when committing $1 million “to support Black and Brown” entrepreneurs and funding small businesses suing Montana for banning the app.

“China’s totalitarian regime hates the United States and is bent on displacing us as the world’s greatest power,” Rubio wrote. “If TikTok users believe their sensitive data are safe in Beijing’s hands — that Beijing wouldn’t use those data to influence, coerce, extort or spy on them in the case of a geopolitical conflict­­ — they need to think again.”

In March, Rubio and Iowa GOP Senator Joni Ernst introduced the No Funds for Enablers of Adversarial Propaganda Act to deny federal funds to any individual or entity if it had an agreement, partnership, or advertisement with TikTok.

“Chinese-owned TikTok is a threat, but some entities, including our nation’s airports, are still willing to accept advertising dollars from the company. They are either naive, greedy, or both. Regardless, they shouldn’t receive taxpayer dollars if they are going to accept money from or partner with TikTok. These companies need to stop enabling Chinese Communist Party propaganda and espionage efforts,” Rubio stated.


“Make no mistake – TikTok is an insidious platform weaponized by the Chinese Communist Party to snoop on Americans and negatively influence our children. This bill rightfully ensures that American taxpayers aren’t forced to foot the bill for ads that bolster the CCP’s toxic platform. I’ll always fight to protect taxpayer dollars and our national security,” Ernst added.

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