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IRS Whistleblower Says ‘Story’ From Hunter Biden Prosecutor ‘Has Been Changing’

  One of the   Internal Revenue Service (IRS)   whistleblowers   from the   Hunter Biden   investigation said the   Department of Justice   ...

 One of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers from the Hunter Biden investigation said the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss are not being consistent in attempts to explain charging authorities in the matter.

IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley, who testified alongside special agent Joseph Ziegler before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday about the alleged mishandling of the probe into President Joe Biden‘s son, said he does not know what happened internally at the DOJ.

But, Shapley stressed, what he can say is that “the story has been changing from the Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney Weiss — and the only person that’s really had any documents that have been corroborated are my own.”

Moments prior, Jordan pressed Shapley to discuss an email he sent to superiors summarizing an October 2022 meeting which noted Weiss told attendees he was not the “deciding person” on whether to bring charges and was denied special counsel authority by Main DOJ.

A response to that email from one of Shapley’s superiors, which was released in late June as part of his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, thanked Shapley and said, “You covered it all.”

Jordan argued that Shapley’s claims and accompanying documentation going public forced Weiss to change his story across multiple letters to members of Congress all the while Shapley’s version of events has remained consistent.

As the congressman pointed out, Weiss went from saying he had the “ultimate authority” to acknowledging discussions with DOJ officials who “assured” him that he would have power to bring charges outside of his district if it proved necessary.


“It looks pretty obvious what happened. It looks pretty obvious,” Jordan said. “Initially everyone was pounding their chest, ‘David Weiss has complete authority.’ Now suddenly he doesn’t. He doesn’t. Because you guys came forward and told the truth.”

So far, the years-long investigation into the 53-year-old Hunter Biden has amounted to a plea deal for tax and gun violations that could keep him out of prison. A judge is set to hold a hearing on the agreement on July 26.

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