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Movement Grows Among Conservatives To Rename June ‘Fidelity Month’

  A famous Princeton University professor has launched an effort to replace calling June “Pride Month” with the moniker “Fidelity Month.” Ce...

 A famous Princeton University professor has launched an effort to replace calling June “Pride Month” with the moniker “Fidelity Month.”

Celebrated philosopher professor Robert P. George, the author of “Making Men Moral: Civil Liberties and Public Morality,” “In Defense of Natural Law,” and “The Clash of Orthodoxies,” served as chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. He also was one of the drafters of 2009’s Manhattan Declaration — signed by religious leaders of various faiths — that “promised resistance to the point of civil disobedience against any legislation that might implicate their churches or charities in abortion, embryo-destructive research or same-sex marriage,” as the New York Times reports.

“If polls are to be believed, there has been a precipitous decline in Americans’ belief in the importance of patriotism, religion, marriage and family, and community—values that, broadly speaking, have throughout our history united Americans despite our many differences,” George tweeted in May. “By the authority vested in me by absolutely no one, I’ve declared June to be ‘Fidelity Month’—a month dedicated to renewing fidelity to God, spouses and families, our country, and our communities.”

“If you are a public official and your office recognizes special days, months, etc., please officially recognize Fidelity Month,” George wrote. “If you are a legislator, please do whatever you can according to the customs and traditions of your legislative assembly to raise the profile of Fidelity Month. If you are a pastor, please make sure your church or parish or synagogue or other congregation does something for Fidelity Month.”

The Fidelity Month website “earned a perfect score of one hundred from the domain host GoDaddy,” National Review noted, adding that members of various faiths are backing the effort.

The Fidelity Month website urged people of different faiths to observe a day of fasting on the last day of June, writing:

Fasting is a spiritual discipline common to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions. It can be a form of penance for our sins, an offering of sacrifice to God, and a way in which we purify ourselves from worldly attachments – allowing us to focus on what is most important from an eternal perspective and to pray and act more effectively.

As a people, we’re in deep need of each of these aspects of fasting. We need to repair our relationship with God – who alone is the source and summit of all fidelity – through repentance, so that He can heal and restore us as a people. … we invite you to also fast and pray in accordance with your own religious traditions for an increase in fidelity to God, family, and country. 

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