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Kash Patel Files Federal Defamation Lawsuit Against Rabid Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theorist – FILING INCLUDED

  Via Jim Stewartson’s  Substack Former Department of Defense Chief of Staff and Deputy Director of National Intelligence under President Tr...


Via Jim Stewartson’s Substack

Former Department of Defense Chief of Staff and Deputy Director of National Intelligence under President Trump, Kash Patel, has filed a defamation lawsuit and Demand for Jury Trial in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada against Jim Stewartson, an internet troll and self-described “anti-disinformation activist.” 

Patel is an American hero and patriot, well known for destroying the corrupt and criminal actors in the Deep State. The Gateway Pundit recently reported on his upcoming new book, “Government Gangsters,” which is set to finally be released after he needed to file a lawsuit against the corrupt government for delaying it nine months.

The new complaint alleges that Jim Stweartson “habitually defames Kashyap Patel and the nonprofit organization Mr. Patel founded, the Kash Foundation, Inc.” and seeks fame “through the modern trend of defaming prominent conservative figures.”

The filing continues, “Stewartson used his defamatory rhetoric to gain thousands of followers across several social media platforms and start his own podcast, where he regularly defames prominent conservative activists to his thousands of listeners.”

Defendant Jim Stewartson started a chat group on Discord called “The Thinkin Project” and began co-hosting a podcast called “Radicalized: Truth Survives Podcast” shortly after the events on January 6, 2021. He also runs a Substack page with the following goals listed:


  1. Provide value to my readers by educating on fascism, disinformation and their relationship — how we got here, who’s responsible, and where all of this is going if we fail to address it.
  2. Provide an unfiltered view of active disinformation operations — at every scale, and wherever they are, regardless of politics or ideology — so people can make better, more informed decisions for themselves.
  3. Combat coordinated harmful activity, abuse and harassment on Twitter and other platforms so we can have a safe place for opinions, disagreements and debates without inauthentic actors intentionally targeting people with no consequences. This includes Twitter:
    • Acknowledging and providing a way to report coordinated harmful activity
    • Banning all the single purpose hate accounts that generate the majority of harm
    • Restoring my account and the accounts of my followers and friends who have been targeted

The filing notes, “According to VICE, The Thinkin Project’s discord server focused ‘on the collection of disinformation, sharing of articles about QAnon and building resources to share with those who contact the group. There is no effort to intervene personally with anyone, or even speak to QAnon believers directly. Instead, those who get in touch are directed to a range of online resources with best practices about how to speak to someone who believes in QAnon.’”

Some of the false statements Stewartson has publicly made against Kash Patel include:

  • Mr. Patel “attempted to overthrow the government”;
  • Mr. Patel “planned 1/6”;
  • Mr. Patel is “guilty of sedition”;
  • Mr. Patel is a “Kremlin asset”; and
  • Mr. Patel and his Foundation paid people to “lie to congress.”

The statements referenced above can be found on Mr. Stewartson’s public Twitter page. Additionally, in a recent substack post, Stewartson again refers to Kash Patel as a “Kremlin asset” despite the ongoing lawsuit.


Patel alleges that his nonprofit Kash Foundation “has suffered direct pecuniary losses as a result of Defendant’s statements, including costs associated with lost business opportunities and money spent to defend his own reputation.” The relief sought by Patel includes ten million dollars in punitive damage, forfeiture of “any and all income Defendant has made off of his lies about Mr. Patel and the Kash Foundation,” and an order prohibiting the Stewartson from continuing to publish defamatory statements.

Jim Stweartson appears to be just another angry Trump-hating leftist.

Read the full filing below:

Kash Patel District of Nevada Complaint by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

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