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‘It’s Been A Great Run’: Geraldo Rivera Says He’s Been Booted From Popular Fox News Show

  Veteran television reporter Geraldo Rivera announced on Wednesday morning that he was being ousted from his semi-regular spot on Fox News’...

 Veteran television reporter Geraldo Rivera announced on Wednesday morning that he was being ousted from his semi-regular spot on Fox News’ popular drive-time panel show “The Five.”

Rivera, who is one of several cohosts in the rotation for the “liberal” seat formerly occupied by the late Bob Beckel and then liberal commentator Juan Williams — others include Fox News contributor Jessica Tarlov and former Tennessee Rep. Harold Ford Jr. — said in a tweet that his final appearances on the show were scheduled for next week.

“Morning, it’s official, I’m off @TheFive. My last scheduled show appearances are Thursday and Friday June 29th and 30th. It’s been a great run and I appreciate having had the opportunity. Being odd man out isn’t always easy. For the time being, I’m still Correspondent at Large,” Rivera tweeted.

As Rivera noted, being the lone liberal at the table meant that he was often the center of disagreements on the show — clashing routinely with regular hosts Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters on everything from abortion and gun control to electric vehicles.


At one point, when discussing the fallout after Border Patrol agents on horseback had been accused of “whipping” Haitian migrants, Rivera provoked an angry response from the usually calm Dana Perino.



Rivera, suggesting that what mattered was how people felt when they looked at the photos, said that the photos made the Border Patrol look as though they had been mistreating the migrants. After admitting that his experience with horses was limited at best, he added, “You must admit when you look at this visual — put up a shot-put up any of the shots of that series —”

Perino, who grew up on a ranch and said from the start that it was clear the agents had not been whipping anyone, rebuked Rivera abruptly.

“This is — that’s so wrong!” she said, interrupting. “You’re a lawyer, how can you say this?”

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