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News Is Bleak From The Emerald Isle This St. Paddy’s Day

  I regret to inform you the Anglos are attacking the Irish way of life again. Though the threat is not from Cromwell nor the Crown, the   E...

 I regret to inform you the Anglos are attacking the Irish way of life again. Though the threat is not from Cromwell nor the Crown, the Emerald Isle has been infected with an American brand of progressivism that seeks to indoctrinate the rest of the world.

Worse, it seems plenty of the Irish are all too happy to go along with this 21st-century colonization. From how it handles social issues to the refugee crisis to placing its own citizens last, Ireland seems hellbent on adopting all the Woke the West has to offer.

If you have been paying even a modicum of attention, you know that the influence of the Roman Catholic Church has been decimated in the land of St.Patrick. As a result, fundamental changes to its society have taken place in a dramatically short period of time. For example, abortion was legalized in 2018 for the first time ever, which was shocking and a true sign of the times. The usual arguments spewed by anti-life American politicians and activists were uttered by abortion advocates in Ireland.

“It’s a woman’s right!” many supporters argued. But they, too, have trouble defining what a woman is.

In 2021, the international Rose of Tralee let it be known that lads around the globe are welcome in the competition — so long as they identify as a “woman.” The organizers of the decades-old competition not only welcome such men, but encourage them to join.

Keep in mind these ladies compete for the title of the “Rose” and are judged based on the maiden who embodies the virtues found in a 19th-century ballad about a rich Protestant who falls in love with a Catholic woman named Mary who lives in Kerry.

The two most prominent virtues are “lovely and fair.” Suffice it to say the contest has since strayed from those values.

To make matters worse, Ireland’s official St. Patrick’s Day Celebration was cannibalized by those who used the Christian holiday to promote all things drag and tout the hallmark of American neoliberal values.

The St. Patrick’s Day Festival 2023 featured a litany of drag queens and drag-themed events. Ireland’s Arts Minister Catherine Martin previously told the press that the purpose of this year’s event was to promote two planks of diversity and inclusion.

“The theme ‘We Are One’ is about inclusivity and there’s no better time than St Patrick’s Day to have that welcoming message, that cead míle fáilte, that we are one as a people and to celebrate diversity too,” Martin said.

Had she mentioned equity, she would have earned a perfect 10 on the DEI scorecard in the game of Critical Race Theory.

Not to be outdone by the Biden administration’s willingness to open its borders, the Irish government is also intent on winning the race to puts its own citizens last. Over the past year, a number of protests have popped up in defiance of waves of refugees and asylum seekers coming ashore amid a housing crisis, inflationary woes, and other economic issues.

“It’s not about racism. There is no room for them,” one individual told The Guardian at a recent anti-refugee protest. “Why should migrants skip Irish people on the housing list? I won’t accept it.”

Since the start of the Russian-Ukraine war, Ireland has accepted more than 65,000 migrants from around the globe. Per The Guardian, the government was housing 73,000 migrants comprised of 54,000 Ukrainians and 19,000 international protection applicants as of January 2023. Last year, that figure was 7,500, the British newspaper reported.

Those who oppose such migration are vilified as racists or white supremacists. However, internal government documents indicate that the nation’s social support system is indeed teetering on the edge of disaster due to the heavy influx of foreign nationals.

If this all sounds familiar, it is because these are some of the same problems Americans are facing in the United States.

The irony is that in the West’s push for ideological homogeneity, we’re ruining “civilizational diversity” to borrow a phrase from Elon Musk. The “Woke Mind Virus,” as he has called it, is infecting and destroying other nations, just as it is here in America.

That virus is a new form of imperialism, this time not advanced by the British, but by the U.S. It starts on college campuses, perhaps before, and then gets promoted throughout the world. It seems evident that when people like the aforementioned Martin say, “We are one,” they don’t mean an Ireland with its unique heritage and borders, language, and culture, rather they want to be part of “one” global government of sorts, built on the foundations of American Leftism.

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