A piece of news regarding the alleged Ashley Biden diary largely escaped notice–Project Veritas offices and James O’Keefe’s home were raid...
A piece of news regarding the alleged Ashley Biden diary largely escaped notice–Project Veritas offices and James O’Keefe’s home were raided by the FBI last Thursday and Saturday because, according to Jack Hadfield of the National File:
A week and a half before the 2020 election, a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to National File.
I do not believe in coincidence. You cannot ignore the Deep State for a moment. They are like the Eye of Mordor constantly surveying the body politic for an opportunity to attack and infect. The initial reports about last week’s raids on the office of Project Veritas (PV) and the home of PV creator, James O’Keefe, were of two types–the New York Times was tipped off to a subpoena that was supposed to be secret while many conservative bloggers (and Project Veritas) voiced consternation (rightly so!) over the FBI going after journalists.
Here is what we know about the diary. A person or persons not publicly identified approached PV in October 2020 with a copy of what was alleged to be the diary of Joe Biden’s daughter. According to James O’Keefe, PV tried to independently verify the legitimacy of the diary and decided not to publish and gave the material to law enforcement:
We investigated the claims provided to us, as journalists do. We took steps to corroborate the authenticity of the diary. At the end of the day, we made the ethical decision that because, in part, we could not determine if the diary was real, if the diary in fact belonged to Ashley Biden, or if the contents of the diary occurred, we could not publish the diary and any part thereof. We attempted to return the diary to an attorney representing Ms. Biden, but that attorney refused to authenticate it. Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it.
But now the National File claims it was a “whistleblower” from Project Veritas who gave the National File’s Patrick Howley a copy of the diary. Howley published salacious portions of the alleged diary on 24 October 2020.
I would not be surprised to hear the Department of Justice and FBI justify their actions because one of Biden’s offspring was “targeted” and victimized. That is rich. Even Helen Keller can see the hypocrisy of trying to protect Biden’s spawn while going balls to the wall to attack Trump’s children. This is a double standard that makes the Grand Canyon look like a pinhole.
There are at least two different accounts for how the diary came to light. One version claims it was stolen. Another version says it was discovered “abandoned.” I think there is a third possibility–it was deliberately created by people working for supporters of Joe Biden and put into the hands of a person tasked to give it to Project Veritas. Remains to be seen if that person was witting or unwitting.
Quite a contrast to how the Hunter Biden laptop came to light. It was only after multiple failed efforts by JP Mac Isaac to return the laptop to Hunter that he tried to give it to the FBI. The FBI were as reluctant as Hunter Biden to take possession of the laptop. After much foot dragging and delay the FBI took possession of the laptop in December 2019.
JP Mac Isaac had solid proof of the origin of the laptop. He even was contacted by Hunter’s lawyer to retrieve the computer once word was out via the New York Post that the contents of the hard drive would be published. Frustrated at the FBI’s inaction, JP reached out to Rudy Giuliani in August 2020 (the following is from an upcoming book that JP Mac Isaac has written):
“For almost a year I have been trying to get the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop to the proper authorities. I first reached out to the FBI and they came and collected it, but I have reason to believe they have destroyed it or buried it in a filing cabinet. After months of waiting for something to come of this, I can only assume that members of the FBI, who are against the President, have it and it will never be seen again. Luckily, for my protection, I made several copies and I have been trying quietly to bring it to peoples’ attention. I am reaching out to you for assistance and making sure the people that need to know about this, do. I have email proof that the Quid Pro Quo started on May 12th, 2014, with a request from Vadym Pozharskyi to have Hunter and Devon use their influence at the White House to pressure the Ukraine Government to stop investigating Burisma.
This was one month after Hunter was appointed to the board. I have emails from Blue Star discussing White House conference calls and meetings about Ukrainian policy and discussing Vice-President Biden’s trip to the Ukraine
being sent to Vadym Pozharskyi directly. I have proof that the Office of the Vice-President was selling Influence and support to foreign nationals in exchange for money. The selling started with the US’s support of the Ukraine which helped them land the IMF loan in early 2014. Reward for that support was provided in the form of board posts for Hunter and Devon and a initial large sum for each of them in the range of $1,295,000 and a monthly check of $33,000 each. This allowed for direct access to the White House and included favors from visas to putting pressure on a foreign government by a private citizen. I feel the closer we get to the election, the more this will be ignored. Please help me get this information to people who can use it and bring justice to people that deserve it.”
The rest is history. Rudy’s team shared the hard drive with the NY Post and the mainstream media and Big Tech sprang into action to try to quash the story. The Hunter Biden laptop is real. I cannot say the same for the alleged diary.
JP Mac Isaac is still fighting to defend his reputation. If you care to help, you can donate at his gofund me site.
National File continues to protect the identity of the whistleblower who sent a digital copy of the Ashley Biden diary to our reporter. In its initial article, National File reported that the digital copy of the diary was provided by a “whistleblower” from another media organization. On Friday, the New York Times reported that FBI agents searched two addresses connected to Project Veritas as part of an investigation into how Project Veritas obtained the diary, and described National File in great detail in its article. National File only acknowledged its whistleblower came from Project Veritas after the New York Times connected Project Veritas to the Ashley Biden diary.
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