Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit on Friday, Oct. 29, against the Biden administration’s federal vaccine mandate. ...
Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit on Friday, Oct. 29, against the Biden administration’s federal vaccine mandate.
“The Biden administration has repeatedly expressed its disdain for Americans who choose not to get a [COVID-19] vaccine, and it has committed repeated and abusive federal overreach to force upon Americans something they do not want. The federal government does not have the ability to strip individuals of their choice to get a vaccine or not,” Paxton said.
The lawsuit stated that President Joe Biden’s executive order “is a dramatic infringement upon individual liberties; principles of federalism and separation of powers; and the rule of law.” According to the lawsuit, Americans are being forced to choose between their livelihoods and their fundamental constitutional rights.
“The federal government … has launched a coordinated effort to decide for itself whether and when Americans must receive the vaccine – regardless of individual preference, healthcare needs or religious beliefs. [It is] using subterfuge to accomplish what [it] cannot achieve directly – universal compliance with vaccine mandates. It effectively [claims for itself] a general police power to control American life, infringing on states’ sovereignty and usurping the powers reserved to the states under the Constitution,” the suit added.
Paxton’s lawsuit follows a complaint filed by ten AGs on the same day against the vaccine mandate. Led by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, the coalition argued in their complaint that the Biden administration has “exercised power far beyond what was delegated to the federal government by constitutional mandate or congressional action.”
“Neither Article II of the U.S. Constitution nor any act of Congress authorizes defendants to implement their vaccine mandate. The power to impose vaccine mandates, to the extent that any such power exists, is … reserved to the states,” Schmitt’s suit said.
Schmitt said in a statement: “My office has led the nation in taking action to fight back against attempts by petty tyrants to impose their control through mask mandates. Now, we’re leading the nation in fighting back against this absurd federal overreach.”
Paxton: Biden “clearly underestimating” Texans’ lack of patience
The Texas AG also took a swipe at Biden’s remarks about Americans pushing back against mandatory vaccination: “If the president thinks his patience is wearing thin, he is clearly underestimating the lack of patience from Texans whose rights he is infringing.”
Paxton’s statement was in response to remarks Biden delivered during a Sept. 9 White House press conference. Biden announced vaccine mandates for federal contractors, alongside other measures, during the press briefing.
Biden made a thinly veiled threat to Americans who turn down the vaccine: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us. So please, do the right thing.”
Paxton noted this threat in his lawsuit. “Biden himself has expressed little tolerance for those who do not share his views, as he put on public display when he announced that his ‘patience was wearing thin’ with Americans who choose not to receive the vaccine,” he wrote.
While not mentioning them by name, Biden denounced governors who oppose vaccine mandates during his Sept. 9 White House press conference.
“A distinct minority of Americans – supported by a distinct minority of elected officials – are keeping us from turning the corner. These elected officials are actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19,” Biden said.
“Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and mask up, they’re ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying in their communities. This is totally unacceptable. If they’ll not help – if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”
Given this, the Texas AG pointed out how Biden singled out Republican governors as enemies just because they are standing up for health freedom. “The president has further singled out Texas as an enemy because of its stance in favor of individual liberty,” Paxton stated in his lawsuit.
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