Roger Stone is doing all he can to get Florida governor Ron DeSantis to perform an audit of the state’s election results in 2020. Roger St...
Roger Stone is doing all he can to get Florida governor Ron DeSantis to perform an audit of the state’s election results in 2020.
Roger Stone shared on Stone Cold Truth:
DeSantis continues to insist that the 2020 election in Florida was the most honest election in history. In fact, there are as many as one million phantom voters currently still on the Florida voter rolls. Governor DeSantis has failed to act decisively to remove these nonexistent or unqualified “voters” from the rolls. Politifacts, a crazy left wing fake news operation, says I am wrong about this. Actually they are wrong,
This information from Defend Florida, which I learned online, reveals the truth;
“……A phantom vote is a vote cast where the voter is deceased, does not live at the registered address, or the registered address is not a residential address. The total number of Florida voters who voted by mail in 2020 was 4,800,000.
Defend Florida volunteers canvassed Florida registered voters and gathered information on over 10,000 registered voters as of Nov. 1, 2021. Of those, 5,583 voted in the 2020 election. Of those that voted, 3,876 voted by mail and 1,707 voted in person. Of the 3,876 canvassed voters who voted by mail, 789 or 20% were phantom votes.
The 20% phantom mail in votes cast in 2020, when extrapolated to the population of vote by mail ballots cast (4.8M), yields 960,000 potential phantom votes cast in the 2020 election. The majority of lawless phantom votes were cast by VOTE BY MAIL ballots.”
This analysis focuses on the real problem – vote by mail. This does not even include the phantom votes recorded as having voted in person. For more information, visit
Ron DeSantis has done a very good job as governor of one of the largest and fastest-growing states in the union. However, Stone has a point. The amount of fraud in the 2020 Election was gargantuan. DeSantis in Florida, Mike Parson in Missouri, and all the governors in all the states should be demanding audits of the 2020 Election. Never before have we seen so many crimes occur in our election system as we did in 2020.
We’ve seen corrupt Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia turn down audits of their states’ results while certifying the fraudulent results. This should never happen in this country. We know Democrat governors will never request real audits of their states’ results. This is how they steal the results.
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