A long, long time ago… er, late August… we were assured that the only thing Americans would remember about Afghanistan is that President B...
A long, long time ago… er, late August… we were assured that the only thing Americans would remember about Afghanistan is that President Biden brought U.S. troops home, once the debacle faded from the day’s headlines. Reuters wrote on August 20: “White House officials believe Americans’ horror over graphic images of the chaos in Kabul and pleas from Afghans who fear they will be killed by the Taliban will morph into support for the president’s decision to pull troops from the country by Aug. 31 after a 20-year war.”
I think it is time to declare that Biden’s-rebound-is-imminent narrative horsepucky, as the public perception of Biden dropped like a stone during the Afghanistan withdrawal, and has not recovered yet. In fact, Quinnipiac offered another horror show of a survey this afternoon:
A slight majority of Americans, 52 – 41 percent, say the country is worse off today than it was a year ago. There are sharp partisan divides. Democrats say 76 – 14 percent that the country is better off, while Republicans say 94 – 5 percent and independents say 56 – 38 percent that the country is worse off today than it was a year ago.
A year ago we didn’t have any COVID-19 vaccines! Then again, a year ago you probably had an easier time paying for gas and groceries. Heck, a year ago you could find almost anything you wanted on store shelves. And the border wasn’t a mess… and the Taliban wasn’t running Afghanistan…
Also in Quinnipiac’s latest survey:
Americans give Joe Biden a negative 37 – 52 percent job approval rating, while 12 percent did not offer an opinion. The number is essentially unchanged from the negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating he received on October 6th.
A 37 percent approval rating? So much for last month’s 38 percent being an outlier.
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