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AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: Smacks Down Fake News Bret Baier, AGAIN – The Media Stole This Election

  Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers laid some smack on Bret Baier who fraudulently declared the election results in Arizona before the poll...


Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers laid some smack on Bret Baier who fraudulently declared the election results in Arizona before the polls were even closed.

The fraud will be proven, but the media was in on the steal and they still are today.

In the past, she labeled Bret Baier fake news and demanded a recall of Arizona’s fraudulent electors.

On November 3, 2020, Fox News’s Bret Baier proclaimed that Biden has won Arizona long before the polls had even closed, sending many — still in line — home thinking there’s no longer a point in casting a ballot. A large majority of election day voters were Trump supporters.

The margin of victory in Arizona was only 10,457.

On Thursday, Senator Rogers railed on him again saying that the tragedy in Afghanistan is partially on him for selling out his country.

Greg Kelly also shared a tweet, calling out Fox News’ Chris Wallace who moderated the debate but it really looked like he was moderating President Trump.

Everything, not just a few things but everything that was true about Biden wasn’t only swept under the rug or ignored. It was denied, it was censored, it was labeled conspiracy theories.

Fake News, stolen elections, Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden’s health and far more are not conspiracy theories. They are real conspiracies.

While President Trump was shattering records and bringing America back, the fake news media did everything in their power to discredit him and tarnish his name. They hate President Trump because he has an agenda, and that agenda is America First.

Unlike Joe Biden’s family, President Trump’s family was the model first family. The media attacked and slandered every one of them.

They are ignoring the Bidens.

The fake news media used to call President Trump an embarrassment to America, and many Americans actually believed it.

This is what we have now.

This media and their leftwing allies also called us conspiracy theorists when we said Kamala would be President once they yank Biden out due to his mental health. What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact? 6 months.

Joe Biden can’t even have a conversation or finish a sentence, let alone command the World’s greatest military force.

The media knew he couldn’t too.

They continue to cover for Biden and the government, claiming that this was “the most secure election in history” and labeling questioners of that statement conspiracy theorists.

Today, the media serves as a tool for the government.

Now Americans are falling under this madness.

The media lied, Americans died.

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