White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday said small business owners should compete with the government and pay more wages. It is ...
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday said small business owners should compete with the government and pay more wages.
It is well known that the Biden Admin is making it harder for small businesses to find workers because people are being paid a lot of money to stay home.
According to The Wall Street Journal, an unemployed couple living in a blue state can make up to $100,000 a year in state and fed benefits – just to sit at home.
“In 19 states, benefits are the equivalent of $100,000 a year in salary,” The Wall Street Journal reported.
Restaurants are having trouble hiring people because they simply cannot compete with the government.
A restaurateur who attended CNN’s town hall Wednesday evening confronted Joe Biden and told him government benefits are making it impossible to find workers.
Biden scolded the struggling business owner and told him to pay more money to find workers.
Psaki doubled down when asked about Biden’s callous answer to the restaurateur.
‘It’s a worker’s market and in some places it may be that you have to pay more wages in order to attract workers,” Psaki said.
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