Former VP Mike Pence and former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley are absolute proof that the Republican Party is lost in space. Their...
Former VP Mike Pence and former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley are absolute proof that the Republican Party is lost in space. Their latest demands are right out of Chapter One in Jimmy Carter’s book on how to do everything wrong as a President.
Yesterday, VP Pence talked about the Olympics while encouraging Biden to demand the Olympics be moved from China:
Former Vice President Mike Pence called on President Biden to demand the 2022 Olympics be moved out of Beijing unless China offers transparency on the origins of COVID-19 and ends human rights abuses against the county’s Muslim minority populations in Xinjiang.
Pence joins former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, who in May took it further and says the US should boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday called on the United States to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics set to take place next February in Beijing.
Haley, a former South Carolina Republican governor, told “The Story” that among the main reasons why the Communist-controlled country should be stripped of the attention an Olympiad brings is their continued obfuscation of the origins and initial handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
These actions are full Jimmy Carter.
On March 21, 1980, President Jimmy Carter announces that the U.S. will boycott the Olympic Games scheduled to take place in Moscow that summer. The announcement came after the Soviet Union failed to comply with Carter’s February 20, 1980, deadline to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
Removing US athletes from the Olympics was one of the worst moves of Carter’s four horrible years in office. The problem with this approach is that the only people who are hurt are the US athletes. To be good enough to make the US team in any sport is incredibly difficult. To be good enough to make the team during the year the Olympics take place is good timing. Carter stole from the best US athletes their chance to win an Olympic medal. Carter instead should have sent them over to win every gold medal they could. Instead, he stole their dreams.
The fact that Pence and Haley want to bring politics into the Olympics is outrageous. It’s not a win for our country. The fact that Haley and Pence don’t want to address the stolen election is pathetic and disgusting. When is Pence going to apologize for not standing up for free and fair elections?
He could have saved the Union and caused a celebration on January 6th and instead he shamefully, with his head down, sheepishly went ahead with certifying the stolen election for Biden. Pence was part of the plan and he looked ashamed because he knew it was wrong and he was a part of it.
Instead of thinking about the 2022 Olympics Pence and Haley should get their heads out of Jimmy Carter Chapter One and realize no one will vote for either of them for nominee or President. Their Republican Party is done.
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