New findings are expected from the Arizona audit in the next 48 hours per One America News Network. Senate President Karen Fann said the b...
New findings are expected from the Arizona audit in the next 48 hours per One America News Network.
Senate President Karen Fann said the ballot totals do not match.
OANN reporter Christina Bobb tweeted that further findings will come out of Arizona this week!
BREAKING – DISCREPANCIES FOUND in Arizona Forensic Audit! Vote counts do not match per Wendy Rogers, AZ Senate. Further expected findings to be reported within the next 48 hrs. Join @Christina_Bobb on the ground from AZ for the latest findings later this week.
OANN is sending their best reporter, Christina Bobb to Arizona for this huge story.
The audit will continue recounting ballots with new paper counting equipment. This is to ensure 100% accuracy.
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