In a sudden and unexpected about-face, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that the evidence is scant to suggest that inf...
In a sudden and unexpected about-face, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that the evidence is scant to suggest that infected people without symptoms are capable of transmitting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to others.
Speaking publicly, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, recently explained that based on the data the organization has been collecting over the past several months, “it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.”
This is big, breaking news that the mainstream media has yet to touch amid all the criticism of President Trump, “racist” monuments, and of course, continued fear-mongering about the pandemic.
Newsmax‘s Greg Kelly recently spoke with Dr. David Samadi, Director of Men’s Health at St. Francis Hospital, about this latest development, which completely upends everything the government and media have been saying about how healthy people need to wear masks, social distance and remain isolated.
“They are taking a 360-degree turn,” Dr. Samadi stated about the WHO’s latest announcement concerning the pandemic.
“This is big news that asymptomatic people out there are not contagious. Remember, because we didn’t know who would be passing this virus or not, we made everybody do something called ‘social distancing’ – this is a new word that you’ve heard of it and it came into our life a few months ago.”
Early on, Dr. Samadi noted, health officials had advised that only symptomatic people wear masks. Later, however, that expanded to everyone being told to wear masks, despite a lack of evidence suggesting any benefits.
“We made everybody across the board wear masks,” Dr. Samadi stated. “At the beginning, we said, ‘if you have symptoms then you wear the mask to protect others.’ And then we gave in because the CDC and everybody kept changing back and forth.”
Trump is right: The more people get tested, the more “scary” positives there will be
The same thing happened with testing, which early on was largely unavailable but has since become the litmus test for reopening, in some places. The government rolled out the tests and, as expected, many more people have tested positive, which the media has put forth as “evidence” of a new “spike.”
“We also made everybody to go for testing, we need 300 million tests the next day or else we cannot reopen our country,” Dr. Samadi added.
The likelihood that these latest admissions by the WHO about asymptomatic transmission reach the mainstream airwaves is minimal, at best. But Dr. Samadi and Newsmax are doing their part to get the news out that the world has been deceived into believing the worst-case scenario about this pandemic – and thus has accepted the government’s worst-case response to it.
“It is very important, it’s breaking news, that if you are not symptomatic and you don’t have any symptoms of fever, chills, shortness of breath, or any of those symptoms we’ve spoken about, the risk of passing it on to other people and being contagious is very rare,” Dr. Samadi emphasized during the interview.
“Studies like this come from a very accurate tracing in countries like Singapore, contact tracing, and it’s too bad that these researchers are not, the papers are not making it to The Lancet, and the mainstream media is not covering it to an extent. This is probably one of the biggest news items we have had since the coronavirus outbreak” was first announced.
So, Dr. Oz and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right after all. Go figure.
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