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Seattle Radio Host Gives Narrative-Busting Account of What's Happening in City: 'Evil People'

Less than 100 days from an election that will turn the course of American history, the mainstream media is turning up its propaganda effor...

Less than 100 days from an election that will turn the course of American history, the mainstream media is turning up its propaganda efforts to portray mayhem in the streets of American cities as some kind of legitimate “protest” against police brutality.
But Seattle talk show host Jason Rantz has a different take on the topic he’s seen growing with his own two eyes — especially Saturday’s riot in Rantz’s own city.
And in an interview Monday night on the Fox News program “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rantz didn’t mince words in destroying the liberal narrative about the events. 
“What we are seeing is violence,” Rantz said told host Tucker Carlson. “What we saw was a riot and anyone who is says otherwise is lying to you.”

Since “lying to you” appears to be the deliberate strategy of the Democratic Party and its allies in the mainstream media heading into November’s election, it’s worth taking a minute to listen to what Rantz was saying. 
Democrats are facing President Donald Trump, an incumbent who has largely carried through on his campaign promises, and whose economic policies were benefiting all Americans — very much including the black voters Democrats claim to care about — until China unleashed the coronavirus scourge onto the globe.
Their party is saddled with a weak, compromise presidential candidate who is at best tolerated and at worst despised by his own party’s base.
Given that, Democrats have decided that pretending criminal violence on American streets is laudable political protest is their best bet for winning in 2020.
They’ve demonstrated it over and over. New York flame-throwing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered the delusional excuse earlier this month that New York City’s rising crime was driven by the hunger of the unemployed.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has shrugged off mobs destroying statues of American historical figures — including in her native Baltimore — apparently accepting it as the understandable outrage of some phantom oppressed class. 
“I don’t care that much about statues,” she told reporters July 9. “People will do what they do.”
Channeling their inner Victor Hugo, Democrats are trying to attribute the rise of mob violence in the United States to the voice of the people roaring from the depths of poverty. 
And naturally, the media is all too ready to help. The New York Times on Saturday described Seattle’s upheaval as taking place in a city where “a day of demonstrations focused on police violence left a trail of broken windows and people flushing pepper spray from their eyes. At least 45 protesters had been arrested as of early evening, and both protesters and police officers suffered injuries.”
Funny how a day of “demonstrations focused on police violence” sounds an awful lot like the aftermath of a riot.
The Times took until the next paragraph to note that several construction trailers had been set on fire, windows of businesses were demolished, a Starbucks coffee shop was lit on fire — endangering the apartment dwellings above it — and a police station was the target of an explosion that blew an eight-inch hole in one of its walls. (Bombing a police station isn’t protesting. It’s terrorism.)
Honest journalism would describe a situation like that as a war zone. To The Times, apparently, such chaos is only to be expected from honest citizens “focused on police violence.”
In his monologue Monday night, Carlson made the point that virtually no Democrat or mainstream media pundit bothers to point out:
In the United States, there is no reason for rioting like this. Americans have elections, where those with grievances can vote out the party in power and vote one more to their liking. If a majority of a community truly finds statues to be reprehensible, politicians can be voted into office to remove them.
If a community is truly outraged by “police violence,” politicians can be voted into office who will handcuff the cops.
But the evidence of this year shows that’s not what it’s about at all. The “police violence” that The Times claims is the focus is overwhelmingly taking place in cities Democrats have controlled for decades. The rioters attacking Christopher Columbus statues know they could never get their way democratically, because American voters are sane.
The current riots across the country are American terrorism — violence for strictly political ends, aimed at frightening a nation into obedience.
That’s all the Democratic Party has to offer the American people in November — along with a cardboard cutout of a candidate who isn’t trusted by much of his own party.
Yet activists and the mainstream media are doing anything they can to convince Americans that that isn’t what is actually happening.
“Their goal is not to protest against police brutality,” Rantz told Carlson. “This has nothing to do with George Floyd. This has everything to do with a very specific ideology, and I think that there are politicians and media members who believe that this is going to create enough momentum and chaos to get Donald Trump out of office.
“I think it’s a mistake. I think it’s going to backfire on them. But I do think some of them are willing to sit by and see some of these cities completely get destroyed and, yes, some people lose their lives.
“It’s an evil position to take.”
When Carlson wondered aloud “what kind of person” would countenance harming humans just for electoral advantage, Rantz’s answer was succinct.
“Evil people,” he said.
Americans should be thinking about that answer very carefully.
The Founding Fathers designed this country as a place where the true voice of the people can be heard at the ballot box.
When Democrats and their supporters instead choose the course of destruction in the streets, they’re telling voters everything they need to know.
With less than 100 days to go before Election Day, it’s time to take it seriously.

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