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“Scared” Seattle Residents Stuck in Anarchist Zone CHAZ Speak Out: “I’m mainly scared because I know cops won’t come”

Residents of apartments within the downtown Seattle area taken over by anarchists are speaking out to local  kiro7  about being stuck in t...

Residents of apartments within the downtown Seattle area taken over by anarchists are speaking out to local kiro7 about being stuck in the area and unable to move out. One person living in the Capitol Hill area was a supporter of protests but isn’t so sure this is the same movement as before:
“I was protesting prior to the opening of CHOP or CHAZ, but now I don’t know what I’m really supporting if I were to go to CHAZ or linger around, because it’s a different movement.”
Staying elsewhere:
“Even if I want to move out, I can’t because I can’t even bring a moving truck there. I moved to a hotel yesterday; I’ll be staying there for at least a week, but I have no idea what’s next.” 
No cops:
“I’m mainly scared because I know cops won’t come, I know fire trucks can’t come in. No government has even contacted any residents.”
Resident of Downtown Seattle speaks out against the anarchists occupying the area he has lived in for 8 years. Many business owners privatly complain but are scared to speak out publicly in fear of retaliation.

But I thought this was the Summer of love....🤔
16 people are talking about this
The neighbors tell people in CHAZ to keep it down:
“Please stop blasting music and chanting at night.”

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