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Don Lemon Snaps, "We are Teetering on a Dictatorship," Trump is "Declaring War on Americans" (7 Cartoons)

Watch as CNN host Don Lemon finally snaps and loses his mind completely claiming that the USA is “teetering on a dictatorship” and that Pr...

Watch as CNN host Don Lemon finally snaps and loses his mind completely claiming that the USA is “teetering on a dictatorship” and that President Trump is declaring “war on Americans.”
The only thing Trump is declaring war on is anarchy and violent leftist rioters.
Think the Democrats and their media allies have decided that an America that would elect, and re-elect President Trump needs to be burned down and destroyed.
First draconian covid shutdowns, now anarchy and looting on the streets. Democrats should never be allowed within a thousand yards of any public office.

“Just as the president was coming out I was trying to make the point to you this is a major TV moment.
This is the reason as I said earlier that the Attorney General came out with sir David troops because they wanted to create this moment for the cameras.
So when the president came out and gave his law and order speech which I said as well again for the cameras that there would be chaos on the streets of America.
This was a made for television moment. And what I wanted to say after that, which I believe to be true and I know to be true now is that earlier on that phone call that we heard that Jim Acosta played for us earlier when the president said you are being weak, you have to show strength, that the Minneapolis police department was on fire, I’ve never seen anything like this before.
I said he sounded weak and scared.
Those were the orders from the commander in chief for this very moment that just happened in front of our eyes.
Why were we pretending otherwise? Open your eyes, America. Open your eyes.
We are teetering on a dictatorship. This is chaos. Has the president — I’m listening — is the president declaring war on Americans? What is happening here?
He’s saying he wants to protect peaceful protesters at the same time sending law enforcement and military into the streets to push peaceful protesters back, to be aggressive with peaceful protesters.
He is doing the exact opposite of what he said in that speech.
I think the president is playing a very, very dangerous game here.
There are a lot of Americans who are out on these streets who are upset, who are frustrated, who are angry.”

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