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David Hogg’s Vulgar Response To Synagogue Shooting Is Horrifying (8 Pics)

The Democrats little teenage pet and fountain of left-wing talking points, David Hogg, was at it again in the wake of the horrific Jewish ...

The Democrats little teenage pet and fountain of left-wing talking points, David Hogg, was at it again in the wake of the horrific Jewish synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh on Saturday.
The teenage socialist could not help but use the shooting to take aim at his favorite target, the National Rifle association.
“F**k the NRA, vote,” the Parkland shooting “survivor,” who changed his name on Twitter to “Vote November 6th” tweeted.


  1. I think he meant 12,010 deaths and counting...mass shootings don't always result in death. Here are the stats so far for your country:
    .....quite the nation you've built

  2. We should stop calling the left democrats and liberals, Start calling them what they really are. SATANISTS

  3. someone cut the pigs head off already.

  4. I think we should ban doctors who kill betweeen 100,000 to 400,000 patients a year with prescribed legal medication.

  5. We really need to just ban government (control mind/power over) that psychopathic superstition is responsible for ALL mass genocide and ALL wars. That is if your true concern is number of deaths, that is?

  6. He's taking stupid lessons from what do you expect?

  7. So Mark 'the spark' Hammil says,
    In 2018 there were 294 mass shootings
    With 12.010 deaths.
    How do you have 0.010 deaths ?
    And has there actually been 294 mass shootings in American History.
    He really is a bright spark, and everyone reading his tweets have not noticed.
    Man Libs really are Dumb aren't they. LMFAO

  8. Hogg is a shill for gun confiscation. Period!
