Canadian photographer Chris Buck's photography series ISN’t portraits celebrity look-a-likes that simply aren’t (isn’t). I have seen...
Canadian photographer Chris Buck's photography series ISN’t portraits celebrity look-a-likes that simply aren’t (isn’t). I have seen many celebrity look a-like photos before but never they have been done so brilliantly.
“A lot of celebrity portraits tend to be nice pictures of the celebrity looking presentable; they tend to be more glamorous than curious, but I lean more toward the curious.”, Chris explains. “People often look a bit uneasy or uncomfortable in my pictures. In a way, I find vulnerability more interesting than confidence. It’s not that I want people to look bad, but I think humanity is shown more through vulnerability than through heroism. I think a lot of portraits look heroic, and as a viewer I don’t find it interesting to look at a picture of someone celebrating himself as a great person in a literal way.”
Tiffany Claus isn't Angelina Jolie
Pavel Sfera isnt 'Bono
Paul Cooper isn't Bill Gates
Caroline Hodge isn't Oprah Winfrey
Jeremy Stritzinger isn't Justin Timberlake
Edward Moss isn't Michael Jackson
Howie Slater isn't Steven Spielberg
Robbie Besent isnt 'Pope Benedict XVI
Stuart Rigby isn't Tom Cruise
Chris America isn't Madonna
Brent Mendenhall isn't George W. Bush
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