Satellite Island, wilderness surrounds. In the heart of the magnificent D'Entrecasteaux Channel, in the south of Tasmania, lies a small...
Satellite Island, wilderness surrounds.
In the heart of the magnificent D'Entrecasteaux Channel, in the south of Tasmania, lies a small island of immense beauty. Sheer sea cliffs fall away to pristine water and wild shellfish can be found in the ancient rock shelf that circles the Island. A pair of rare white breasted sea eagles who live on the Island can be seen soaring high above the huge blue gums, whilst quail, pheasants and native wildlife forage below.
Satellite Island is truly a unique destination.
Satellite Island has never before been accessible to the public. It remains utterly unspoilt. With 360° views of this southern hemisphere wilderness—a mix of beautiful native bush, ancient blue gums, sheer sea cliffs, pebble beaches and sunny coves—Satellite Island is a secluded secret hideaway, yours alone to explore.
In the heart of the magnificent D'Entrecasteaux Channel, in the south of Tasmania, lies a small island of immense beauty. Sheer sea cliffs fall away to pristine water and wild shellfish can be found in the ancient rock shelf that circles the Island. A pair of rare white breasted sea eagles who live on the Island can be seen soaring high above the huge blue gums, whilst quail, pheasants and native wildlife forage below.
Satellite Island is truly a unique destination.
Satellite Island has never before been accessible to the public. It remains utterly unspoilt. With 360° views of this southern hemisphere wilderness—a mix of beautiful native bush, ancient blue gums, sheer sea cliffs, pebble beaches and sunny coves—Satellite Island is a secluded secret hideaway, yours alone to explore.
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