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Twitter Leaps into Action – Blocks and Censors #LetsGoBrandon from Trending on Platform after 69,000 retweets

  Earlier today a clearly confused Joe Biden was trolled into saying,  “Let’s Go Brandon!”  during a call with an American dad on Christmas ...


Earlier today a clearly confused Joe Biden was trolled into saying, “Let’s Go Brandon!” during a call with an American dad on Christmas Eve.

“Let’s go Brandon!” is a phrase that has become a euphemism for the profane protest chant “F*** Joe Biden.”

Immediately following his latest gaffe #LetsGoBrandon began trending on Twitter. It was repeated over 69,000 times.

But Twitter leaped into action and deleted the term from its trending list.
The tech leftists have to help Old Joe no matter what.

In fact, if you type in LetsGoB the term LetsGoBrandon will not pop up.
These untrustworthy tech people are something else.

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