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Why drinking too much TEA during lockdown is bad for you: Expert reveals how naturally occurring tannins in your cuppa can hamper the body's absorption of vitamins and minerals

With the country on lockdown due to coronavirus, many Brits are surviving working from home by making frequent trips to the kettle. But ...

With the country on lockdown due to coronavirus, many Brits are surviving working from home by making frequent trips to the kettle.
But an expert has warned that drinking too much tea could have a negative impact on your health. 
Dr Grace Farhat, a lecturer in food science and nutrition at Liverpool Hope University, is concerned some people might treat their Covid-19 social shutdown as an 'holiday' from regular diets - and overindulge in hot caffeinated beverages. 
She warns naturally-occurring tannins found in tea could actually hamper the body's absorption of key vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium – which could be a real problem if you're struggling to get enough fruit and vegetables in your diet.
An expert has warned that drinking too much tea could have a negative impact on your health. Pictured: stock image
An expert has warned that drinking too much tea could have a negative impact on your health. Pictured: stock image
Dr Farhat advises avoiding drinking tea close to meal times. She told FEMAIL: 'Millions of Brits might be tempted to consume too many hot beverages while marooned in their homes amidst the coronavirus lock-down.
'The good news is that tea consumption is linked to a decrease in the risk of heart disease and cancer, due to its antioxidant content.
'The potentially bad news is you also need to be careful about drinking tea close to meal times, as it could lower the absorption of certain minerals, such as iron and calcium.
'This is due to the tannins, which are natural compounds, found in tea. They can bind to minerals and lower absorption rates.
'Tea, like coffee, is also a source of caffeine, which I'd advise consuming in moderation.'
To be on the safe side and based on previous studies, Dr Farhat advises limiting your intake to four to five cups of tea and coffee a day.
'This should carry no health risks so try not to consume more than that,' she said. 'And leaving a one-hour gap between meals and hot drinks is a good way forward.'
Caffeine is also found in fizzy drinks, energy drinks and chocolate.
The coronavirus isolation plan has now entered its fifth week – with no immediate signs of restrictions being lifted. 
Dr Farhat warned a poor diet during this period is potentially enough time to have lasting effects on our health.
She added: 'Coronavirus is, hopefully, a problem which can be managed in the short term.
'But while your diet might not be your chief concern right now, we need to be mindful about what we're eating and drinking.
'Britain has long been facing a diabetes and obesity epidemic - and we don't want to exacerbate it.'

Dr Farhat's tips for maintaining a healthy diet during lockdown 

Dr Farhat said weight gain could be an issue for many - accompanied by increases in harmful levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and Triglycerides - which is a type of fat found in your blood.
She cautioned: 'In addition to weight gain, increased triglycerides could be the result of eating too much carbohydrates - and that includes pasta. 
'If you've stockpiled, or are consuming large amounts of it, you need to be careful! Increased Triglycerides has been linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease risk, especially in overweight and obese individuals. 
'That's the same for rice and bread, too. And remember that an unhealthy diet can affect mental health too. 
'My advice would be to make use of the technology and use exercise apps to keep healthy. And remember that eating when bored is very common. If you can, try to use other distractions such as music, or even learn a new skill!'
'You need to think about the calories you're consuming during the whole day. And a good way to reduce calorie intake is to swap unhealthy snacks such as biscuits, crisps and cakes with lower calorie and more nutritious ones,' said Dr Farhat.
'You could, for instance, have crispbread with cottage cheese, crackers with salsa or guacamole, cucumber and carrots, rice cakes with a low fat spread or avocado, zero fat yoghurt with olive oil and crackers, blueberries with low fat yoghurt, slice of bread with hummus and paprika, or a handful of nuts. 
'Popcorn is a very suitable low-calorie option too! I also recommend two squares (20-30g) of dark chocolate per day. It has high levels of antioxidants and can help improve your mood!'
She explained: 'There are lots of good sources of fat - such as olive oil, canola oil, raw nuts, olives, and fish. Certain margarines, which contain naturally-occurring sterols, have also been clinically proven to lower bad cholesterol levels.'
You're likely to be deficient in vitamin D - and you need to do something about it, according to Dr Farhat.
'We get most of the vitamin D we need from exposure to sunlight,' she said. 'We recently carried out a study at Liverpool Hope University and found 97 per cent of our participants, aged between 18 and 50, had inadequate levels of vitamin D. 
'Interestingly, this was tested in summer - when we're supposed to have our highest levels. And when you consider that a lack of vitamin D has been linked with diabetes and cancer risk, it's a major public health issue.
'Therefore, this is now the ideal time of the year to make vitamin D from the sun, and as low as 15 minutes a day exposure would be sufficient for most people.'
'Frozen fruits and vegetables could be higher in vitamins and antioxidants than fresh ones. It's a great alternative for those who don't always have access to fresh produce, particularly in the current climate,' Dr Farhat said.

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