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SHOCKING VIDEO: Marine Exposes Possible Punishment For Refusing To Follow Biden’s Mandate!

  In a video guaranteed to make your stomach turn., an anonymous young man claiming to be Marine outlines the potential consequences for ser...

 In a video guaranteed to make your stomach turn., an anonymous young man claiming to be Marine outlines the potential consequences for servicemen and women who fail to comply with Joe Biden’s dictatorial and anti-science vaccine mandate for the military.

The Marine reads through the most recent information about the COVID vaccine mandate that is publicly available on the Marines’ website, which can be found here.

According to the Marine, “there are two available exemptions, the medical exemption and the religious exemption, both of which you can apply for.”

“Problem is,” the Marine continues, “is if your [exemption] doesn’t get approved, you’re going to be ordered to get the treatment again. And then if you refuse after having your exemption denied, you’re going to be treated just like any other refusal would be.”

At this point, the Marine reveals the dark and distressing possible implications for Marines who refuse to receive the experimental mRNA shot.

“Everyone who refuses to get this treatment will be subject to a general court-martial convening authority in which they will determine your fate.”

“A general court-martial is the highest tier of military justice that can be administered, and they have the authority to issue up to a death sentence to anybody whose case comes to a general court-martial.”

At the conclusion of the video, the courageous Marine looks directly into the camera and issues a warning to whoever he will face during his court-martial.

Contrary to our so-called “military leaders” such as General Milley, who is an embarrassment to the United States and a traitor, this young man is a true hero who embodies what our military is supposed to stand for: FREEDOM and LIBERTY!


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