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Wall Street Journal Claims AOC Is Anti-American Socialist; She Agrees With Them In World’s Dumbest Tweet

The Wall Street Journal opinion page ran an op-ed titled, “Ocasio-Cortez Is An All-American Socialist.” In the piece, the Journal claime...

The Wall Street Journal opinion page ran an op-ed titled, “Ocasio-Cortez Is An All-American Socialist.”
In the piece, the Journal claimed that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-Stalin is an anti-American Communist, ignorant of American history and politics, and leading America’s youth down the path of total ignorance.
AOC immediately tweeted them back, saying essentially: “Yes, I Am!”

Here’s a sample:
The tragedy is that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has little regard for the system that made it possible for her to be elected to Congress, gain extraordinary influence, have access to millions of dollars to pay staff (at a “living wage” of at least $52,000 a year, so generous is she with taxpayer money), and now with a standard of living far above what her old job could have provided. She leads a generation of young people to take pride in their ignorance—of the laws of nature, of history, of the Constitution, of the eternal battle for freedom—and still succeed.
Perhaps her role in killing 25,000 Amazon jobs in New York will wake people up, or maybe it’ll be the hubris of her recent tweet: “If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis. Until then, we’re in charge—and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.”
Ah, democracy! Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has soared because of the freedom and prosperity her policies would destroy. Our attention to her fuels her celebrity and therefore her ideas. Time to get over our fascination and move on.
COTR adds:
The Wall Street Journal recently published an opinion piece by Galen Institute president Grace-Marie Turner that credits AOC with what she’s good at: She’s good at getting people to follow and believe in her.
And calls out what she’s BAD at: basically everything else relating to American politics. …
I mean… it’s harsh. And she’s ENTIRELY right.
And because you literally can’t say AOC’s name without immediately triggering a response (this chick very clearly Googles herself every morning) she’s already AAAAANGRY. …
Yup. As it turns out, it’s waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too easy to get AOC to respond to you on social media.
She can’t stand criticism and definitely relishes her celebrity.
Here’s how she responded to the Journal op-ed piece:
“I guess WSJ Editorial Page takes pride in their ignorance of our nation’s history of slavery, Jim Crow, & mass incarceration; willful doubt on the decades of science on climate change; targeting of indigenous peoples, and the classist, punitive agenda targeting working families.”
I guess WSJ Editorial Page takes pride in their ignorance of our nation’s history of slavery, Jim Crow, & mass incarceration; willful doubt on the decades of science on climate change; targeting of indigenous peoples, and the classist, punitive agenda targeting working families.
16.3K people are talking about this
“America is a horrible place that deserves to be destroyed.”
In other words, the Journal got it exactly right. And AOC couldn’t agree more.
Thanks for clearing that up, kiddo.


  1. amazon was run out of NYC because amazon insisted that NYC foot the bill for building a new headquarters for amazon. furthermore, the 25,000 alleged jobs (as if) that amazon claimed would be the result of this new headquarters would have mostly been filled by indian (towel head, not geronimo) immigrant "tech" workers. so if AOC was indeed responsible for blocking the amazon in NYC then yalls owe her a debt of gratitude.

  2. ....many people...apart from the fascist- c u n t...many Americans know of the shameful history of this country's corrupt government. We know about it's warts, crimes and illegal actions. The fact that she thinks she can apply those same behaviors to the people of America, is her big problem. We The People should own the government and it should follow The Constitution...but because it is corrupt, we have very little influence. This whore did everything she could to belong to that very-same corrupt government, and now wants to tell everyone she's in charge? Ha! Ha! Ha! When we legally get our Constitutional Republic back, we will be going after traitors such as AOC and members of the corrupt government. We will be legally charging and legally convicting them for treason, and legally hanging them from lamp poles. I can't wait to see AOC legally dangling next to George Soros...Ha!
    RJ O'Guillory

  3. YOU will be reduced to walking & busses so THEY can control your travel.
    Just as SERFS were never allowed to leave the farm.
    They have a very bloody cleansing in mind. To get rid of all the trouble makers.
    Arrogant, Empty headed, Self Righteous,.... how DARE you question their Superior Ideas based on NO life experience and NO actual knowledge. Their Mommys told them they are special and you BETTER believe Mommy.
    THEY will still fly their private jets to "global warming " conferences and the BANKERS will be free to travel.
    We are at WAR and if you do not recognize the Communist onslaught you WILL.
    It should be called the "BROWN New Deal" because SHIT is brown, not green.
    Pol Pot & the Khmer Rouge 3?million dead in the KILLING FIELDS.
    China's "Cultural Revolution" and the holocaust of intellectuals.Between 30 and 60 million people starved to death during the great leap forward during the 1960s under MAO.
    The Bolshevik-Jewish holocaust of 60 million Christian Ukrainian/Russians.
    Now AOC, who "amazingly discovered" her Jewishness, wishes to follow their path to chaos and bring a Bolshevik-Jewish holocaust of White Christians to the New World.
    Their "BROWN New Deal" is the same as their predecessor's ---- destroy civilization, massacre millions, drive everyone back to an agrarian subsistence level while THEY live FAT

  4. Those H1B visas were all lined up . ... Jeff Bezos is as big a POS as AOC.
    "Funny" how these BILLIONAIRE Leftwingers believe in Socialism and Sharing (YOUR) property.......... but Their's is THEIR'S ..... no WAY are they gonna share.
    And AOC plans on being VERY well off after "sacrificing" as a "Public Servant"

  5. So, Why is Ny begging Amazon to come back ?

  6. Ask her to address the chemtrailing and the Haarp weather control systems .
    Go for it and never let up.
    Also ask her IF people have a human right to protect themselves and family with a firearm.

  7. because you can't fix stupid? anyway all idiots make their own beds, no matter what color they are.

  8. AOC is doing pretty good to be at least ten years behind on "climate science", which means at the age of 29 she hasn't learned a thing about it since high school. Real science never stands still. The best and the latest climate science ALL points toward the sun as the controlling factor by far.
